Bereaved Mother’s Day Gifts

Bereaved Mother’s Day gifts are very special. These are unique mementos given to honor the bereaved mothers of children who are gone too soon.

bereaved Mother's Day Gifts

Top Left: I have a matching necklace and earring set with Harlan’s birthstone which is also mine and his dad’s birthstone.

I got the grandmas bar necklaces with his name and birthstone.

My cousin got me a little gold charm with an angel on it. Gussie

Top Right:  My Mother’s Day gift that includes our angel Leah and 2 rainbow babies. Jackie

Center: Engraved gold bar necklace with citrine gemstone given to both grandmas for Christmas. Gussie

Bottom Left: For our 1st Christmas without Conner, my husband, Kris, got me this Precious Moments figurine. Crystal

Bottom Right: Last mother’s day I got a ring with all 4 kids names and birthstones. Some think it’s odd that I still got Conner on it but he is and will always be my child. So why would I ever leave him off is my response to them.

The names are on each side you can have up to 6 names and stones. Inside says, “A mother holds her child’s heart forever.” Crystal

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