May 2018 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost. This month we honor and remember the names listed below.

In Memory Of:


Mason Harris                                                                               

Jim & Lisa Hannon


Tommy Herriksen                                                                      

Rachel & Brad Hauck


Caroline Huber                                                                            

Carole & James Georgen


Norah Violet Keller                                                  

Our sweet girl, you are always missed and forever loved.

Eastern Lebanon County Middle School


Layla Sue Lough                                                         

In memory of your precious angel.

The Musilek Family


Grace Rose McCormac                                           

So sorry about your little angel.   My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Mary Marchant


Teddy Munro                                                                               

Lisa and Chris Martin


Burton Shostak                                                         

Our condolences to your whole family at this most difficult time.  May Burt’s memory be a blessing.

Love, Sue and Phil Dean


Sandy and Sandy Krachmalnick & Family

Steven and Marianne Chervitz

Sherry Starr

Thom Clark


Finn Thilenius                                                                                

Brian Thilenius



In loving memory of our sweet Emma.  Love MawMaw and Pops

Robert Ball


Baby Sylvia and John Perich lost                       

Executive Education at the Harvard Business School


Poppy Joy                                                                     

This is for a new little angel named Poppy Joy Levy. Her presence on Earth was brief, but beautiful.

Faith Quenzer



Kari Aiello


Emma F.                                                                       

Kindra Walker


Our Grandson                                                                               

Sandra & Larry Whitener





In Honor Of:


Marilynn Maurer                                                                       

Patricia Schmidt


Dr. Vincent A. Pellegrini                                         

Congratulations On Your Birthday And Retirement !  Surely you have many wonderful memories of all the women you helped over the years, as we’re just as sure they remember you even more dearly.  Enjoy your new ventures !

Fondly,  Barry & Cindy”

Cynthia J Avella



So sorry for your loss

Liz Cadman



Thank You…


Jessica Barbeau

Tricia Belter

Lana Brashears

Sam Brown

Patti Budnik

Meredith Byers

Carolyn Caldwell

Debbie & Jim Cochran

Norm and Sharon Coker

Jordan Conley

Haylee Crowley

Carol & Terry Elmendorf

Cherie Erickson

Justine Froelker

Mark & Betty Fuller

Mark Gelsthorpe

Brian & Julia Henry

David & Josephine Kiefer

Vicki & Mike Kiefer

Catherine Lammert

Sarah Lawrenz

Annie Lee

Sharon Lowenthal

Jennifer & John Luetkenhaus

Mike Margherio

Jason Mathes

Megan & Dave Nichols

Tammy Olson

Casey & Mike Pelech

Susan Petzel

Chris & Shelby Roberdeau

Stephen Rolfs

Megan & Jason Rowekamp

Lauren Sanders

Kari and Rich Schindehette

Shannon & Wally Sebastian

Maggie Skaggs

Kelly & Kevin Smith

Patty Sullivan

Bonnie Tesson

Jessica Vogler

Mary Wagener

Deb & Dean Welsch

Dan & Lauren Williams

Donna Wiltsie

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