A Fresh Wave of Grief

By: Robyn Busekrus There is no easy way to deal with triggers.  They will always be with us. Sometimes when a song comes on the radio the emotions come strongly.  We each have our own way of facing our triggers and every person’s way of dealing with their emotions is okay. I know when I…

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I am Colette’s Mom

By: Michelle Valiukenas I am the proud mom of Colette Louise, my little fireball, gorgeous blonde with my nose, long legs, long fingers, and a spirit that just radiated love and peace. Colette was born at 24 weeks and 5 days, three weeks after I was hospitalized with preeclampsia.  She fought valiantly for nine days,…

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We Are Missing It All

By: Sabrina Ivy We are missing it all. And tonight it hurts like hell. Baby loss isn’t something that just happened at one tragic day in our lives years ago. It is something that we carry with us as we endure each and every day and special occasion that comes and goes without our daughter…

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By: Silvia Bowman Before I tell you how I was finally able to get to this peaceful and quiet “place” I call “acceptance,” I need to provide a little background:    Since the tragic loss of my precious baby girl in 2007, I have been on a ride no mother ever wants to embark on.…

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The Beginning of Grief

By: Elaine de Leon When you say it out loud, it sounds unreal: I have been pregnant twice. I have never felt a contraction. I have never taken a baby home from the hospital. We lost our two babies – Francis and Zoe – 11 months apart. I was only 16 weeks pregnant with Francis…

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Let Loss Guide Your Parenting

By: Shannon Duke As I write this post, I just finished up the day packing up items from Gracyn’s 1st birthday party. It was a great day filled with a hard’s day work of set-up, great music, delicious cupcakes, and wonderful friends. As I savored the time with those I cherished most, I couldn’t help…

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To The Mom Learning to Parent After Loss

By: Kelley O. You should be enjoying life as a new parent but you can’t. You feel guilty about being happy since you’ve lost so much in the past. The joy you feel about your new baby is in competition with the sadness brought about your past losses. As if being happy about a new…

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Helping My Sons Grieve

By: Robyn Busekrus I wish loss wasn’t a part of our journey.  When we found out we were expecting, we had this vision of what our family would look like.  It had been some years since having our boys, and we always had wanted another child. One of the hardest parts of this journey is…

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Father’s Day and Miscarriage

By: Tiffany Elder I remember looking at the screen and waiting.  Waiting for the technician to zoom in on the baby so we could see her for the first time. My husband was off to the side holding our three-year-old son on his lap. When the baby finally made her appearance on the screen, I…

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A Father’s Loss

By: Matt Busekrus My wife Robyn has been writing on her blog at www.robynsnestofhope.com and for Sharing Magazine. I have been proud of her efforts and am glad she is using her writing as a platform to help others that have experienced loss. This month, for Sharing Magazine the topic is Father’s Day and Robyn…

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