Helping Others Help You Through Loss

By: Molly Hickey Sipping coffee and sitting across from a long time friend, we talked about the weather, her kids, our jobs, and husbands. With each break in the conversation, I hoped she would ask about Joseph and Grace. I hoped she’d ask about how I am navigating the grieving process, ask how it felt to be back at work when I was…

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Share Walk for Remembrance of Hope 2016

The Share walk has come a long way since the very first one in 2002. That year, it was held on the grounds of the Gateway Arch with nearly 300 people in attendance and was called the Share Walk to Remember. This year, the Walk for Remembrance & Hope in St. Charles, Missouri on October…

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Traveling With Memories

By: Meredith Byers, former Share Board Member Summer is beginning, and many families are making vacation plans – either to travel somewhere by car or plane, or to enjoy a “staycation” and take in a local activity. Our family’s summer plans include travel in Missouri as well as Texas, and like many Share families, but…

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Father’s Day & Grief

As Father’s Day is upon us, we are thinking about all fathers. Here is a recent article from the Share newsletter from bereaved father, Mike Boresi, that resonates with so many. My wife and I lost Corynn on May 1st of 2007, six days prior to her due date. She was born into Heaven the…

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Anticipating Father’s Day

By: Mike Boresi  My wife and I lost Corynn on May 1st of 2007, six days prior to her due date. She was born into Heaven the following day. We checked into the hospital giddy with anticipation just hours after my wife heard Corynn’s heartbeat at the doctor’s office. Our world was turned upside down as…

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Honoring Your Parenthood

Honoring Your Parenthood By: Rose Carlson, Program Director, National Share Office I had my fourth miscarriage in April 1993; it rocked me to my core and brought me to my knees. That loss, more so than the previous three, left my heart completely shattered, and my hope, well, gone. Gone forever, I thought back then.…

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Celebrating Through Grief

By: Ginny Limer Celebrations are lighthearted, joy-filled, carefree occasions where smiles are shining, the energy is booming, rooms are full of contented people gathered together, hugging and laughing…but your heart is heavy.  Your joy is gone.  Your cares are not free.  Your smile and energy have faded.  Hugs and laughter bring you to tears, because…

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Going Back To Work After A Loss

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth Eventually, many grieving parents find themselves in the difficult position of going back to work after some time off. Having spent the weeks that should have been maternity or paternity leave coping with the sorrow of not holding our baby in our arms, we have to maneuver our way back into…

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