State List

There are currently over 75 Share Chapters throughout the United States and Canada. If you plan to attend a support group meeting, please contact the coordinator in advance to verify the meeting time and location. Although we make every effort to keep this information current, there is a possibility that changes have been made without our knowledge.

Don’t See a Chapter Near You?
If you don’t see a chapter near you, please call the Share Office for additional resources that may be available to you. 
Also, you may consider starting a group in your area. We will provide you with the tools you need to start and maintain a local Share chapter.

Click on your state to see the active Share Chapters & Other Resources: 

Alabama – Click to see a list of resources

Alaska – Click to see a list of resources

Arizona – Click to see a list of resources

Arkansas – Click to see a list of resources

California – Click to see a list of resources

Canada – Click to see a list of resources

Colorado – Click to see a list of resources

Connecticut – Click to see a list of resources

Delaware – Click to see a list of resources

Florida – Click to see a list of resources

Georgia – Click to see a list of resources

Hawaii – Click to see a list of resources

Idaho – Click to see a list of resources

Illinois – Click to see a list of resources

Indiana – Click to see a list of resources

Iowa – Click to see a list of resources

Kansas – Click to see a list of resources

Kentucky – Click to see a list of resources

Louisiana – Click to see a list of resources

Maine – Click to see a list of resources

Maryland – Click to see a list of resources

Massachusetts – Click to see a list of resources

Michigan – Click to see a list of resources

Minnesota – Click to see a list of resources

Mississippi – Click to see a list of resources

Missouri – Click to see a list of resources

Montana – Click to see a list of resources

Nebraska – Click to see a list of resources

Nevada – Click to see a list of resources

New Hampshire – Click to see a list of resources

New Jersey – Click to see a list of resources

New Mexico – Click to see a list of resources

New York – Click to see a list of resources

North Carolina – Click to see a list of resources

North Dakota – Click to see a list of resources

Ohio – Click to see a list of resources

Oklahoma – Click to see a list of resources

Oregon – Click to see a list of resources

Pennsylvania – Click to see a list of resources

Rhode Island – Click to see a list of resources

South Carolina – Click to see a list of resources

South Dakota – Click to see a list of resources

Tennessee-_Click to see a list of resources

Texas – Click to see a list of resources

Utah- Click to see a list of resources

Vermont – Click to see a list of resources

Virginia – Click to see a list of resources

Washington – Click to see a list of resources

West Virginia – Click to see a list of resources

Wisconsin – Click to see a list of resources

Wyoming – Click to see a list of resources

If you do not see a chapter near you or you would like to start your own chapter, please contact Rose Carlson at or call 800-821-6819.