Surviving The Holidays

By: Rose Carlson, Share Program Director For most people, thinking about the holidays brings thoughts of joyous celebrations with family and friends. But for someone who has had a baby die, thinking about the holidays brings on feelings of dread instead of feelings of excitement. A time that you may have looked forward to celebrating…

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Helping Families Heal During the Holiday Season

By Shari Morash, BIS, Founder, Author, Educator, For those of us who have lost a child, the holiday season can be an overwhelming time of anxiety and sadness. The familiar rituals of family togetherness and being home for the holidays may leave us feeling alone and isolated. While the world around is celebrating, managing…

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The Practice of Gratitude: A Holiday Reflection

By: Rev. Joel A. Jueckstock It has been said, “There is no amount of darkness that can put out even a small light.” This, however, may be a difficult idea to take-in, as the months of November and December are representative of the holiday season in the United States. This season is unique, as the…

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Why Is Pregnancy & Infant Loss Awareness Month Important To Me?

By: Derek Haake, Esq., MBA (Share Board Member) The night we delivered our triplets 6 weeks premature because my son was stillborn, I sat in the house, by myself because we had no family within 400 miles of us. This meant we had no one to take care of our dogs that night, so I…

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Choosing One Another

By: Justine Brooks Froelker   Think back to your wedding day or the day you publicly declared you were choosing one another. What do you remember thinking? For most of us, we dreamed of children in our future. We for sure did not dream of the struggle of infertility and loss throughout that dream. However, I…

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Memories for Mum & Dad

This article was originally posted in the Jan/Feb 2003 issue of the Share newsletter. Memories for Andrew Dedicated to Andrew Joseph born quiet due to PROM Ally miscarried March 13, 2002 By Mum & Dad Michael & Angela Westermann Hello.  My name is Angela.  I am a bereaved mum.  October 22, 2001 my son Andrew…

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Honoring Your Parenthood

Honoring Your Parenthood By: Rose Carlson, Program Director, National Share Office I had my fourth miscarriage in April 1993; it rocked me to my core and brought me to my knees. That loss, more so than the previous three, left my heart completely shattered, and my hope, well, gone. Gone forever, I thought back then.…

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An Open Letter To The Spring

An Open Letter To The Spring By: Nora LaFata Oh. Hey spring. Unlike practically everyone in the universe, I’m not all that happy to see you. (gasp!) Don’t get me wrong, you’re kind of awesome. I mean I love all the flowers. And I actually prefer the rain. I was born in the spring for…

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I Do It For You, My Love

I Do it For You, My Love By: Deborah Umali  Dear Charlie*, Although last week was nothing but dreary skies and on and off rain, it was officially Spring Break for us Texans. With spring comes holidays that never made me think twice before. Now, I can’t even fathom Easter, normally an easy, happy holiday…

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Becoming A Gift

By: Justine Brooks Froelker   Sitting over tea in a dimly lit coffee shop she asks, “How often do you think of them?”   I shift my eyes to notice how many moms and babies are in the bustling shop. “Every day,” I respond.   “How?” she asks.   “I wonder how different our lives…

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