When No Choice Is A Good Choice

By: Casey Zenner They say everything happens for a reason, and this is something I try really hard to believe. September 27th, 2017 would be the day that would leave me questioning that forever. Growing up I always dreamed of having a large family, lots of little ones running around, in my messy, never quiet…

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The Hardest Decision I’ve Ever Made

By: Rebecca Stockwell The scariest thing about going to my first support group was worrying that I would be told I didn’t belong because I had a termination for medical reasons. I was scared my grief wouldn’t be seen as legitimate, that I would be condemned for making what I thought was the only decision…

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Two Unbelievable Options

By: Tessa Michaud In January 2011, my husband and I learned we were blessed with another pregnancy, another beautiful child. After having a miscarriage in September 2010, my doctors wanted to proceed with caution.   It was a confusing time as I had wanted to celebrate with joy and excitement, yet I knew from previous experience…

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Taking Gemma’s Pain: Ending A Wanted Pregnancy

By: Megan Hofbauer I am a mother of three handsome boys and one beautiful daughter or at least I imagine she’s beautiful. When I close my eyes, I see a beautiful little girl with dark brown hair, soulful blue eyes, and olive skin but then I open my eyes and she’s gone. The reality is…

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The Date That Changes Everything

By: Kadie Tannehill I never knew how much one, single date in time could change the course of entire lifetime. May 16th, 2015 is that date for me, and something I naively thought I would never experience—it’s the day that we said hello and goodbye to our son, Jonah, in the same breath. You see,…

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Carrying Grace To Term

By: Stephanie Schoonover OUR BLESSING, OUR GRACE A few months after we married, Andy and I learned our prayers for our family had been answered. I was pregnant and we were ecstatic. Aside from afternoon fatigue my pregnancy seemed to be going smoothly until our 12 -week anatomy scan. We watched as our daughter stretched…

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I am Colette’s Mom

By: Michelle Valiukenas I am the proud mom of Colette Louise, my little fireball, gorgeous blonde with my nose, long legs, long fingers, and a spirit that just radiated love and peace. Colette was born at 24 weeks and 5 days, three weeks after I was hospitalized with preeclampsia.  She fought valiantly for nine days,…

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By: Silvia Bowman Before I tell you how I was finally able to get to this peaceful and quiet “place” I call “acceptance,” I need to provide a little background:    Since the tragic loss of my precious baby girl in 2007, I have been on a ride no mother ever wants to embark on.…

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The Beginning of Grief

By: Elaine de Leon When you say it out loud, it sounds unreal: I have been pregnant twice. I have never felt a contraction. I have never taken a baby home from the hospital. We lost our two babies – Francis and Zoe – 11 months apart. I was only 16 weeks pregnant with Francis…

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Protecting My Already Broken Heart

By: Amy Lied Life after losing a child is filled with triggers.  They are everywhere and some times in the places you least expect them.  Immediately after losing Asher, I found social media to just be a minefield of both comfort and triggers.  It was my saving grace by connecting me with other mothers who were like…

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