What Do I Do with My Love?

Creating a Lasting Legacy After Your Baby’s Death By: Rose Carlson Normally, when a loved one dies, you have much to remember the person by: Photos, cards, clothing and other possessions. These precious items, along with your memories, comfort you and keep your loved one’s memory alive. However, when a baby dies, there may be…

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Priceless Keepsakes

By: Julie Linck Memories are what exist after a loved one dies. For our precious babies, this is what we grieve the most. We are robbed of the opportunity to create memories and experiences together with our child. So how can we find ways to hold onto this sweet life that was taken much too…

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Proof of Life

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth In a cedar lined dresser drawer in my bedroom, I keep a purple box the closes with a ribbon tie. It contains an impossibly tiny nightie and a sweet little hat that looks like it would fit a doll. These are the clothes my daughter Eliza wore in the hospital, after…

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If Someone Had Told Me…

By: Jennifer Haake Rainbows.  If someone had told me that rainbows would become such an important part of my life, I would have looked at them like they had two heads.  Why would rainbows ever be important?  I mean sure, they are pretty and everyone loves them, but important? The first important rainbow was on…

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Add A Blessing: Random Acts of Kindness

By: Heather West When is the last time you made someone smile? Making a person’s day who would have otherwise had a bad day is something that gives us the energy to keep going. Every day I wake up and think, “in what way will I make someone smile today?” and I excitedly wait for…

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Honoring Your Baby: Rituals and Daily Life

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When my first daughter, Eliza, was stillborn, I felt paralyzed. Even a few months out from her death, I still didn’t know what to do that would feel like a proper way to honor her. Eventually, we did a variety of different things to honor her memory—and we continue to do…

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We All Grieved: A Grandparent’s Loss

By: Jaclyn Pieris It was an abnormally warm day in England and I was sitting in a stuffy, grey colored, softly lit room in another weekly counseling session. I was enrolled in a training course to become a therapeutic counselor, and I had to undergo 50 hours of counseling. This requirement was exactly what I needed…

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Why Ignoring Anniversaries Of Loss Doesn’t Work

By: Anna Eastland On March 30th, it was the six month anniversary of my  baby daughter Josephine’s stillbirth. I approached the day with a bit of dread, worried it would send me back and undo my recent period of emotional improvement. I tried to decide what to do…plan a trip with the kids to Science…

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Parched Grass

By: Anna Eastland It’s such a hot summer that I don’t know which flowers to bring you Everything dries up so fast gets parched and wrinkled in the heat and there’s enough death already in the graveyard There should be a stone at least shiny and beautiful at first with simple eloquent words in your…

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She Was Here And She Was Loved: Honoring Your Baby

By: Leslie Steele She was here. She was here, and she lived, loved, and was loved. And being an angel mommy means you make it one of the primary purposes of your life to celebrate and remember that indeed, your precious baby was here. And my daughter Hadley was here and she was beautiful. In…

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