Mother’s Day With Empty Arms

By: Heather West As Mother’s Day approaches I often hear the words “you’re still a mom,” as much as those words are very true, if I am honest I’m not sure how they make me feel. Am I proud to be a mom? ABSOLUTELY, with everything I have, but are those words supposed to make…

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Remembering on Mother’s Day

By: Rachael Fast My first Mother’s day was May 8, 2011. Exactly two months after my daughter had been born sleeping. It was an incredibly difficult day, not only was it my first mother’s day and the day Elaina should have turned 2 months old, but it was the day the denial and numbness wore…

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A History of Mother’s Day

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth I found out I was pregnant with my first baby on Mother’s Day. We were in the middle of a home remodeling project and the house was a mess, but I remember showing those two pink lines to my husband and him sweeping me up in a big hug. It felt…

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Adoption as a Next Step, Not a Last Resort

By: Becca When I was asked to write about infertility, IVF and adoption I jumped at the chance! Honestly, I don’t think a topic could suit me more if it tried, these topics are everything about which I am trying to raise awareness. To help people who are at any stage during this journey, including…

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When Starting A Family Does Not Go As Planned

By: Lisa Finkbeiner Trying to decide what words and feelings to type and share regarding my personal journey through infertility and loss has been difficult this time around.  My infertility journey began in early 2005 and I blogged in real-time throughout my experience with pure transparency.  It was cathartic to blog about what I was…

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The Life That Is Waiting For Us

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When I lost Eliza, I began reading blogs written by other bereaved parents and “baby loss mamas.” I gravitated toward those who were on a grief timeline similar to mine, who had experienced their loss around the same time I had. I also wanted to read some blogs written by women…

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Chapter Highlight: Share Perinatal Loss – Fenton

Chapter Name:  Share Perinatal Loss-Fenton Chapter Leader: Melanie Schwob, RN Online Resources: Facebook Page private for the participants in the group Support Group Information:  This group is open to anyone who has experienced or supports someone who has had a miscarriage, stillbirth or neonatal loss.  All adults are welcome, and there is no cost. We meet…

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I’m Not The Mom I Dreamed I’d Be

By: Rachael Fast This topic seemed so easy to write about, however, as I sit to write, my mind goes blank. How do I write about something that is all I’ve ever known, as far as parenting goes? My first baby girl, Elaina Hope was stillborn at 40 weeks in March 2011. She was my…

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The Journey of Parenting After Loss

By: Jennifer Haake Parenting is tricky.  You question yourself and every single decision you make. You worry.  You worry about everything.  Are they happy?  Are they emotionally cared for? Am I giving them everything they need to become successful adults? The list is endless. As a bereaved parent with surviving children, the self-doubt and worry are exacerbated.…

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Grieving Honestly: Parenting After Loss

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth A few weeks ago, I was ushering my daughter out of a crowded waiting room where she had been making small talk with an older woman. I overheard her talking about her little sister. As I opened the door and reached for her hand, she turned to the woman, who was…

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