A Piece of My Heart Lives in Heaven

By: Shannon Duke When I think about keepsakes, it reminds me of the movie Inside Out. In this movie, we learn Sadness embraced the blues because it was often followed by love from family and friends. I hope you have a treasure or two that you can keep in honor of your angel baby. It…

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Priceless Keepsakes

By: Julie Linck Memories are what exist after a loved one dies. For our precious babies, this is what we grieve the most. We are robbed of the opportunity to create memories and experiences together with our child. So how can we find ways to hold onto this sweet life that was taken much too…

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Proof of Life

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth In a cedar lined dresser drawer in my bedroom, I keep a purple box the closes with a ribbon tie. It contains an impossibly tiny nightie and a sweet little hat that looks like it would fit a doll. These are the clothes my daughter Eliza wore in the hospital, after…

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October Needs You and Me

By: Shannon Duke October is a definite sign of Fall, right? We see the leaves beginning to turn into savory colors. We see people around us embrace pumpkin spice and everything nice. Sweaters and boots are just a hanger away. Plus, football and chili fill the air. When October approaches and it is finally here.…

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A Thief In The Night

By: Vernitta Walters Tuesday, December 12, 2017. The time had come, our “BIG” 20-week appointment!  I was so excited and slightly apprehensive at the same time. Weeks leading up to the appointment, I kept telling myself, if I can just get past the 20-week appointment, I could breathe a sigh of relief. By then, I…

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Honoring Your Baby: Rituals and Daily Life

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When my first daughter, Eliza, was stillborn, I felt paralyzed. Even a few months out from her death, I still didn’t know what to do that would feel like a proper way to honor her. Eventually, we did a variety of different things to honor her memory—and we continue to do…

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Healthy Grieving

By: Maria Carella The grief process takes enormous physical, mental and emotional energy. This process is not linear or orderly, and it is unique to each person. Some days it feels like a full time job, a minute-to-minute experience of competing thoughts, feelings and images. Other days it feels more manageable. Healthy grieving is a…

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Self Care After Baby Loss: Finding Your Way

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When your baby dies, the last thing you really want to take care of is yourself. You just spent weeks and months daydreaming of taking care of an infant—and in all likelihood, you started that process by taking care of yourself during pregnancy. But, somehow, it didn’t work. I was so…

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Being a Father With an Asterisk

By: Christopher C. Natsch I’m a father who lost his son. That statement should stand on its own. But, for me and for many other dads that I’ve talked with, it’s just not that simple. As a father who suffered a loss due to stillbirth, there was a time that I felt as if that statement…

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Three Words

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I was determined to have a natural, unmedicated labor and delivery. You see, when I was pregnant with my first daughter, I thought such things were important. I assumed that getting to my third trimester meant that the baby would live and that…

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