Protecting My Already Broken Heart

By: Amy Lied Life after losing a child is filled with triggers.  They are everywhere and some times in the places you least expect them.  Immediately after losing Asher, I found social media to just be a minefield of both comfort and triggers.  It was my saving grace by connecting me with other mothers who were like…

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Stranger Interactions

By: Amy Lied Everyone loves babies, throw in more than one and people can’t contain themselves.  We hear the same sentiments all the time. “Are they twins?” “You have your hands full!” “Boy/girl?” (While my twin daughters are both wearing pink…face palm!) “My second cousin twice removed has twins!” “My daughter has twins and she…

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A Community Of Support

By: Patti Budnik and Cindy Swain When my husband and I (Cindy) lost our baby, our whole world turned upside down. Although family and friends were a great support in the early days, they soon seemed to move on with their lives and expected us to do the same. They did not know how to…

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