Grief Counseling: a Guide on Your Healing Journey

By: Kelly Karavousanos Carrie entered counseling after she had experienced the stillbirth of her daughter, Kaylee. Carrie was married and had three other children under the ages of 8. Carrie said she wanted help and felt she had nowhere else to turn; it had been 8 months since Kaylee’s death, and she felt everyone was…

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Seeking Guidance From a Professional Therapist

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth This month, I wanted to ask a professional therapist about coping with baby loss, and no one seemed better equipped to discuss this subject than a therapist who is also a bereaved mama. My friend, Lindsey Antin, is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Berkeley, California. We became friends through…

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Traveling With Memories

By: Meredith Byers, former Share Board Member Summer is beginning, and many families are making vacation plans – either to travel somewhere by car or plane, or to enjoy a “staycation” and take in a local activity. Our family’s summer plans include travel in Missouri as well as Texas, and like many Share families, but…

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