Taking Gemma’s Pain: Ending A Wanted Pregnancy

By: Megan Hofbauer I am a mother of three handsome boys and one beautiful daughter or at least I imagine she’s beautiful. When I close my eyes, I see a beautiful little girl with dark brown hair, soulful blue eyes, and olive skin but then I open my eyes and she’s gone. The reality is…

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Meeting Annie

By: Robert and Kelly Henke A couple weeks before our 20-week ultrasound, I had a gut instinct that something wasn’t quite right. I couldn’t place it, but I knew something was wrong. My husband, Robert, and our 20-month-old daughter were both at the ultrasound. Never did I expect to hear the word “Anencephaly.” It was…

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The Date That Changes Everything

By: Kadie Tannehill I never knew how much one, single date in time could change the course of entire lifetime. May 16th, 2015 is that date for me, and something I naively thought I would never experience—it’s the day that we said hello and goodbye to our son, Jonah, in the same breath. You see,…

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Carrying Grace To Term

By: Stephanie Schoonover OUR BLESSING, OUR GRACE A few months after we married, Andy and I learned our prayers for our family had been answered. I was pregnant and we were ecstatic. Aside from afternoon fatigue my pregnancy seemed to be going smoothly until our 12 -week anatomy scan. We watched as our daughter stretched…

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Decisions Made With Love

By: Marissa Steinhoff “If we tell you to turn off the machines, will you think we are the dumbest, worst parents alive?” I remember sitting in a hospital conference room around a huge table.  It was my husband and I and dozens of doctors and specialists.  Tears were running down my swollen face and through…

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Support for Every Grieving Family

By: Patti Budnik, Share Bereavement Care Manager When I started at Share, I didn’t know how amazed and inspired I would be by the families we serve. Everyone’s story is different and there is no such thing as grieving perfectly. Some of our stories are more complicated than others but all result in the loss…

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August 2019 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost. This month we honor and remember the names listed below. In Memory Of: Adriel        I’ll hold you in my heart until I can hold you in heaven. With love to you and your…

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The Legacy of Strength: A Grandparent’s Grief

By: Kayla Leibner Seeing your child suffer is a type of suffering in itself.  As parents, our love runs so deep that when they hurt or suffer, we also hurt and suffer.  If something happens to cause one of my children distress or pain, my first instinct is to fix or remove the problem to…

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A Fresh Wave of Grief

By: Robyn Busekrus There is no easy way to deal with triggers.  They will always be with us. Sometimes when a song comes on the radio the emotions come strongly.  We each have our own way of facing our triggers and every person’s way of dealing with their emotions is okay. I know when I…

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I am Colette’s Mom

By: Michelle Valiukenas I am the proud mom of Colette Louise, my little fireball, gorgeous blonde with my nose, long legs, long fingers, and a spirit that just radiated love and peace. Colette was born at 24 weeks and 5 days, three weeks after I was hospitalized with preeclampsia.  She fought valiantly for nine days,…

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