We Are Missing It All

By: Sabrina Ivy We are missing it all. And tonight it hurts like hell. Baby loss isn’t something that just happened at one tragic day in our lives years ago. It is something that we carry with us as we endure each and every day and special occasion that comes and goes without our daughter…

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By: Silvia Bowman Before I tell you how I was finally able to get to this peaceful and quiet “place” I call “acceptance,” I need to provide a little background:    Since the tragic loss of my precious baby girl in 2007, I have been on a ride no mother ever wants to embark on.…

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The Beginning of Grief

By: Elaine de Leon When you say it out loud, it sounds unreal: I have been pregnant twice. I have never felt a contraction. I have never taken a baby home from the hospital. We lost our two babies – Francis and Zoe – 11 months apart. I was only 16 weeks pregnant with Francis…

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July 2019 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost. This month we honor and remember the names listed below. In Memory Of: Joseph Barker                                                                                   By:             Sarah Baughman Arthur Terry Bruenning                                                                   By:             Ellen & David Christian Glenn Coker                                                                    By:             Mike and Patty Floyd,…

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Protecting My Already Broken Heart

By: Amy Lied Life after losing a child is filled with triggers.  They are everywhere and some times in the places you least expect them.  Immediately after losing Asher, I found social media to just be a minefield of both comfort and triggers.  It was my saving grace by connecting me with other mothers who were like…

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Due to flooding in St. Charles, the Parks Department has asked us to relocate our Walk. This year’s Share Walk will be held at St. Charles Community College. SCCC is conveniently located on Mid Rivers Mall Drive with easy access to HWY 40. This location has plenty of parking and beautiful green space for the memorial…

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Let Loss Guide Your Parenting

By: Shannon Duke As I write this post, I just finished up the day packing up items from Gracyn’s 1st birthday party. It was a great day filled with a hard’s day work of set-up, great music, delicious cupcakes, and wonderful friends. As I savored the time with those I cherished most, I couldn’t help…

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Finding Hope and Strength When Your Children are Grieving

By: Kayla Leibner I love my children more than my own life.  All of them.  I want what’s best for them.  My husband, Ben, and I have four children – Jace, Kiley, Melody, and Jamie.  We sound like a typical large family, right?  Well, things aren’t always as they seem.  There are things about our…

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Create a Team for Share Walk 2019

It only takes one person to inspire hundreds — that’s the power behind being a team captain. As a team captain you become a leader in a powerful movement towards supporting bereaved families. Being on a team is an opportunity to share a great experience with friends, family members or coworkers — a community connecting…

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Stranger Interactions

By: Amy Lied Everyone loves babies, throw in more than one and people can’t contain themselves.  We hear the same sentiments all the time. “Are they twins?” “You have your hands full!” “Boy/girl?” (While my twin daughters are both wearing pink…face palm!) “My second cousin twice removed has twins!” “My daughter has twins and she…

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