Like He Never Existed

By: Chrissy I don’t pay much attention to social media or celebrity news, but it was hard to avoid hearing  that Chrissy Teigen had lost her precious baby boy, Jack. It seemed like everyone was talking about it in the loss community. Being the average human that I am, I of course couldn’t then resist…

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Kindred Strangers

By: Ann-Marie Ferry I never saw it coming. Tear soaked face. Thrown together carry-on. Royal blue, malodorous, Grey’s Anatomy scrubs. I must have been a sight that day. Sitting among strangers, waiting for the plane, I prayed, “Lord, I need an everyday miracle. Please sit me next to another Christian I can pray with during…

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An Epic Journey To Motherhood

By: Autumn Purdy The first time I miscarried, I was at the tail end of my eleventh week of pregnancy and 900 miles from home. It started with a shocking jolt, a sharp pain directly below my belly button, my skin flushing, and a wave of nausea before I felt the hot gush of blood…

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Forever Loved, Missed, and Carried Daily

By: Keisha Wells There are many keepsakes I have for my twin sons. Delicate and treasured items made and purchased for and in honor of them—blankets, bracelets, and the crocheted hats that framed their angelic faces in our final earthly moments together. I keep them stored safely and take them out from time to time,…

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Your Love Is Legendary

By: Ann-Marie Ferry Mother Bear first noticed the faint smell of smoke that morning as she wandered about her home of skyward reaching trees, brambles, berries, and trickling streams. She paid it no heed. Her two cubs wrestled about in the underbrush, ear gnawing, rollie pollies that would jump to a battling bear stance at…

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Finding Beauty in Grief

By: Robyn Busekrus The season of Fall has quickly transformed the trees.  The hues of red, orange and yellow are bountiful in color.  Seasons of change are difficult for those of us who have experienced pregnancy loss.  There is beauty in the seasons changing, yet an ache as we wish our children were here. This…

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Speak The Unspeakable

By: Kayla Leibner In all walks of life, it’s important to be able to tell your story.  The elements of our story help shape us into the people we become.  We get to influence some of the plot and choose some of the characters in our life, but other times we can’t control what or…

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Delicate Dance

Parenting after a loss is a dance between gratitude for the children you are raising and longing for those you don’t.

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I Am With You

By: Casey Zenner Close your eyes…take a deep breath.  Do you feel that? The peace coming over you? That’s me. That’s me telling you I am okay, so please don’t worry. That’s me waving hello and goodbye, please hurry home, I can’t wait to hear your stories.  That’s me grabbing your leg and squeezing tight in the afternoon as your day drags on. That’s me…

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