Mother’s Day Grief: What Do I Do?

Mother’s Day is a difficult occasions for many grieving women. Whether you have suffered a pregnancy loss or the death of a ‘born’ child, the celebration may be more than you can bear. Here are a few ideas to honor your child and your motherhood on Mother’s Day. Acknowledge the pain. You loved deeply, you…

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Bereaved Mother’s Day Gifts

Bereaved Mother’s Day gifts are very special. These are unique mementos given to honor the bereaved mothers of children who are gone too soon. Top Left: I have a matching necklace and earring set with Harlan’s birthstone which is also mine and his dad’s birthstone. I got the grandmas bar necklaces with his name and…

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Our Rainbow Baby

By: Jean Mecke On this day, a year ago, my heart was shattered. I was told I needed immediate surgery because I had lost the precious babies I had been carrying for almost a full trimester. Those babies were wanted, and they were loved. It’s amazing how much of a bond can be formed in…

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What We Keep In Our Hearts

By: JoAnn Cantrell It was a cold day in April when our infant twin boys arrived too soon, after I had carried them nearly six months. Ironically, it was the same time of year that the crocuses were making their comeback after a harsh winter. Like the flowers, my babies were early in blooming, yet…

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Share’s Angel Ball: 15 Years of Fundraising and Commemorating

In 2002, Share’s board of directors made the decision to move away from small fundraising events in favor of a larger event. Share’s 25th anniversary was in 2002 and a gala was planned as a one-time event to celebrate this milestone. After the initial success of the Share’s Angel Ball, it became a beloved yearly…

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Caring Notes: From A Caregiver’s Life Of Service

By: Cathy Schloss I became involved as a caregiver with Share the first week of my obstetrics orientation at Southeast Missouri Hospital when a 16-week baby boy was born prematurely. He was perfect! His only problem was that he was born too soon. I have never felt as helpless and hopeless during those brief moments…

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Measuring The Impact: A Share Chapter’s Story

By: Rebecca Hirst A Share Chapter Leader shares the story of impacting their rural community with support for pregnancy and infant loss. Mr. & Mrs. Rich George, members of Share support group in DeKalb, IL, know from personal experience that, “There is no foot too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world.”…

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My Sister’s Legacy

By: Sister Jamesine I am amazed at the enormous gift my little sister has given to our world. I am a blood sister of Sister Jane Marie Lamb, founder of Share. We were a large family growing up on a farm in Missouri. Our early education was in a small school with one room that…

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‘Watching Over You (Brianna’s Song)’

Songwriter, John Dolan wrote this song Watching Over You (Brianna’s Song) in honor of his niece, Brianna. He felt inspired to write this song in 1999 when Brianna was miscarried. Dolan hopes it can bring comfort to families who have suffered a similar loss. Listen Here   “Watching Over You” © (Brianna’s Song) Verse 1 You…

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A Tribute To A Share Caregiver

By: Karen Christopher On February 19, 2002, our daughter Elizabeth Christena Swader came silently into the world. I was 36 1/2 weeks and this was our first baby. We learned of her demise about 36 hours before when we went to the doctor for a routine visit and there was no heartbeat. There are no…

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