Holding Onto Hope This Holiday Season

By: Robyn Busekrus On December 6th, we attended the annual Angel of Hope Ceremony in our town of Washington, Missouri.  Last year was our first year to participate and the grief was very raw. Being new to the event, we were not sure what to expect.  I went through the motions of being there, but…

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Add A Blessing: Random Acts of Kindness

By: Heather West When is the last time you made someone smile? Making a person’s day who would have otherwise had a bad day is something that gives us the energy to keep going. Every day I wake up and think, “in what way will I make someone smile today?” and I excitedly wait for…

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Being a Father With an Asterisk

By: Christopher C. Natsch I’m a father who lost his son. That statement should stand on its own. But, for me and for many other dads that I’ve talked with, it’s just not that simple. As a father who suffered a loss due to stillbirth, there was a time that I felt as if that statement…

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Three Words

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When I was pregnant with my first daughter, I was determined to have a natural, unmedicated labor and delivery. You see, when I was pregnant with my first daughter, I thought such things were important. I assumed that getting to my third trimester meant that the baby would live and that…

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You are a Mother Worth Celebrating

By: Tiffany Elder We were sitting at the dinner table having a conversation we never thought we would have. We were two months removed from our miscarriage. The couple we met with had their miscarriage just weeks prior to our meeting. Someone paired us with this couple to offer support, but it felt as though…

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Mother’s Day With Empty Arms

By: Heather West As Mother’s Day approaches I often hear the words “you’re still a mom,” as much as those words are very true, if I am honest I’m not sure how they make me feel. Am I proud to be a mom? ABSOLUTELY, with everything I have, but are those words supposed to make…

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Remembering on Mother’s Day

By: Rachael Fast My first Mother’s day was May 8, 2011. Exactly two months after my daughter had been born sleeping. It was an incredibly difficult day, not only was it my first mother’s day and the day Elaina should have turned 2 months old, but it was the day the denial and numbness wore…

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A History of Mother’s Day

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth I found out I was pregnant with my first baby on Mother’s Day. We were in the middle of a home remodeling project and the house was a mess, but I remember showing those two pink lines to my husband and him sweeping me up in a big hug. It felt…

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New Ambitions

By: Becca First off, Happy New Year to everyone!! I hope that in 2018 you are able to find comfort in the little things that matter, and find ways to deal with those that cause you pain. This is achievable, with the right support and mind-set, I am sure of it. Christmas is, of course,…

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By: Mary Farr A Reason to Hope I said to the night that stood at the gate of the new year, “Give me a light that I might tread safely into the dark and unknown.” And a voice said in reply, “Put your hand into the hand of the one who made you, and your…

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