Helping My Sons Grieve

By: Robyn Busekrus I wish loss wasn’t a part of our journey.  When we found out we were expecting, we had this vision of what our family would look like.  It had been some years since having our boys, and we always had wanted another child. One of the hardest parts of this journey is…

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Father’s Day and Miscarriage

By: Tiffany Elder I remember looking at the screen and waiting.  Waiting for the technician to zoom in on the baby so we could see her for the first time. My husband was off to the side holding our three-year-old son on his lap. When the baby finally made her appearance on the screen, I…

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Thinking of you this Father’s Day

Father’s Day 2019 By: Jason Rogers of Share Truck1 To find support in your state, visit our list of Share Chapters. Three years ago, on June 20th, 2016, Jason and Beth Rogers said goodbye to their daughter, Angelica Lanae. Her name means “Precious Angel.” On that sorrowful day, her parents began a journey towards healing.…

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My Most Favorite Father

By: Amber Mangrum He made all the phone calls. He sent all the texts. Over and over, he repeated to family and friends, “Our girls are here.” We knew going into the hospital that it was not going to be sunshine and rainbows for us; our identical twin daughters were already gone. Giving birth was…

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Dear Grieving Mother,

By: Sabrina Ivy Dear Grieving Mother, First, let me tell you I am so sorry you carry this weight of baby loss. With Mother’s Day just around the corner I understand some of the thoughts that are taunting you. I have them, too. This day looks nothing like it should for us. Whether you held…

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When You’re Not Feeling Well on Mother’s Day

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth In the months after my first daughter was unexpectedly stillborn, I began to get used to the weight of grief. I became familiar with that sense of stumbling around in a fog, the air around me feeling thick with my own unshed tears. I grew accustomed to the way my throat…

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The Soul-Sucking (Or Soul-Saving) Space of Social Media

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When my daughter died, I dropped off of Facebook. For me, Facebook had been a breezy, easy way to interact with people without getting into any of the harsh realities of life. I definitely used it to present the highlight reel—funny moments, the occasional witty observation, and photos to record the…

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The Life of Grief on Social Media

By: Sabrina Ivy There is something cathartic about telling your story. Something healing about sharing your grief. I have a difficult time verbalizing my feelings, but when my fingers touch the keyboard or I pick up a pen it becomes the release for me that I so desperately need. It’s like opening a valve and…

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A Community Of Support

By: Patti Budnik and Cindy Swain When my husband and I (Cindy) lost our baby, our whole world turned upside down. Although family and friends were a great support in the early days, they soon seemed to move on with their lives and expected us to do the same. They did not know how to…

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What Do I Do with My Love?

Creating a Lasting Legacy After Your Baby’s Death By: Rose Carlson Normally, when a loved one dies, you have much to remember the person by: Photos, cards, clothing and other possessions. These precious items, along with your memories, comfort you and keep your loved one’s memory alive. However, when a baby dies, there may be…

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