Everyday Memories

By: Casey Zenner When you lose a child the way you do life completely changes. You begin searching for anything and everything you can that reminds you of your baby. The physical signs, and tangible objects that you can squeeze which gives you that chance to feel closer to your child. For me, its butterflies…

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Like He Never Existed

By: Chrissy I don’t pay much attention to social media or celebrity news, but it was hard to avoid hearing  that Chrissy Teigen had lost her precious baby boy, Jack. It seemed like everyone was talking about it in the loss community. Being the average human that I am, I of course couldn’t then resist…

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Speak The Unspeakable

By: Kayla Leibner In all walks of life, it’s important to be able to tell your story.  The elements of our story help shape us into the people we become.  We get to influence some of the plot and choose some of the characters in our life, but other times we can’t control what or…

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Love Bears All Things

By: Kayla Leibner The journey of a bereaved parent is full of misconceptions, false impressions, and understatements.  It’s uncomfortable and unthinkable.  There’s no possible way to help someone to understand unless they, too, are walking in our shoes.  At some point, we were all on the misunderstanding end of this scenario.  I know I once…

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By: Rebecca Stockwell A close friend had a baby a few weeks before my son was born. We live a few hours from each other, so I wasn’t around for most of her milestones. When she was seven months old, we were invited to her baptism and to spend the night at her house. We don’t…

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The Little Yellow Butterfly

By: Casey Zenner One of the greatest things about being a parent is watching the bond your children have grow over the years. When you have one child in Heaven the fear of missing out on witnessing that bond for me, at least, has been one of the toughest  parts of this journey. Not only…

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The Bittersweet Song of a Wren

By: Shirley Brosius The trill of a jenny wren still sends a pang of sadness through me. Many years ago, 45 to be exact, my youngest child, my only daughter, died a few hours after her birth. It was a chilly spring, and as I hung out laundry, a jenny wren sang from a tree.…

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Choosing Sunshine This Mother’s Day

By: Nikki Grayson Hello there, Beautiful Momma, I write this to you as I’m sitting in the warm sunshine, blue skies, and bright green grass. Flowers are starting to bloom, and the leaves are starting to bud. It’s that time of the year again; Spring. A season that brings many showers of rain, but also…

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A Brief Life But One of Love

By: Anna Eastland I recently attended a celebration of life for a baby boy who lived for one month. His name was Matthew. He had the genetic defect Trisomy 18, so it was actually a miracle he lived that long. Before the funeral Mass, his mother, Maggie, got up and spoke in front of the…

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