The “Boo” in the Taboo that Haunts Miscarriage

By: Jessica Vogler Miscarriage happens every single day.  In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention report on their website that 25% of women experience at least one miscarriage during their reproductive years.  That means every fourth woman you see in your daily routine has probably had a miscarriage. Why, then, is it so…

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Healthy Grieving

By: Maria Carella The grief process takes enormous physical, mental and emotional energy. This process is not linear or orderly, and it is unique to each person. Some days it feels like a full time job, a minute-to-minute experience of competing thoughts, feelings and images. Other days it feels more manageable. Healthy grieving is a…

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Self Care After Baby Loss: Finding Your Way

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When your baby dies, the last thing you really want to take care of is yourself. You just spent weeks and months daydreaming of taking care of an infant—and in all likelihood, you started that process by taking care of yourself during pregnancy. But, somehow, it didn’t work. I was so…

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When Healing Is A Journey Not A Destination

By: Robyn Busekrus Throughout the time of our journey, I have heard the word healing.  At times, healing seems that you are better or whole again. I think of when you have a cut and it heals, you may have a scar.  You are not completely whole, as you have something to remind you of…

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Introducing Share Español: Esperanza

Families who experience the death of a baby often have difficulty finding resources to comfort and guide them through the challenging times they face on their grief journey. While Share has been a go-to resource for parents and professionals for written materials, online support and group meetings, similar resources for those who do not speak…

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Mother’s Day With Empty Arms

By: Heather West As Mother’s Day approaches I often hear the words “you’re still a mom,” as much as those words are very true, if I am honest I’m not sure how they make me feel. Am I proud to be a mom? ABSOLUTELY, with everything I have, but are those words supposed to make…

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My Dearest Dolly

By: Heather West My dearest Dolly, How do I put into words the many ways you changed my life? There is so much I want to say to you, but I was not granted with the blessing of telling you in person. Instead I am forced to unwillingly put on layers upon layers, bundle up,…

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A Letter to My Daugther

By: Kathleen Berg Dear Valerie, Your Birthday is almost upon us again. This time of year is incredibly hard to get through. It is hard to believe that almost eight years ago you came into this world, were here but two short hours, and were quickly gone. I stared upon your face and only held…

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Dear Hadley

By: Leslie Steele Dear Hadley, It’s been 19 months. 19 months ago we got to meet you and be amazed by you. We always knew you were special, incredible really, but meeting you just confirmed it. Daddy and I switch off between imagining you as you would be here at this age and what life…

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By: Mary Farr A Reason to Hope I said to the night that stood at the gate of the new year, “Give me a light that I might tread safely into the dark and unknown.” And a voice said in reply, “Put your hand into the hand of the one who made you, and your…

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