
By: Ann-Marie Ferry Twenty-five feet of crystal-clear water rolled between the pier where I stood and the smooth, colorful boulders on the lake floor. I was enchanted by this simmering window into aquatic life, mesmerized, in my own world. “Ann-Marie, the line is moving,” a voice called out. My parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents,…

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Listening To the Voices of Bereaved Fathers

By: Ann-Marie Ferry Fathers often get the short end of the stick when it comes to grief support. It should not be. However, for a variety of reasons it often remains the case. When I was asked to write an article for newly bereaved fathers, I was apprehensive. I am a bereaved mother. How do…

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Back to Normal

By: Ann-Marie Ferry When normal seems on its way And tears have now ceased When all the thoughts in my head  Have settled in a calm place  The flood gates open  Destroying my glimpse of peace When my mosaic heart is crumbling  And I can’t take a breath  When tears start in my throat  Burning…

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Mothering Each Day

By: Robyn Busekrus The birds are singing and the sun is shining. When I turn the calendar to May, it brings sadness. I say to myself, “Here we go again.” This month, we honor mothers and for those of us who have been on this loss journey it is difficult. This May, my son would…

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Grief Counseling: a Guide on Your Healing Journey

By: Kelly Karavousanos Carrie entered counseling after she had experienced the stillbirth of her daughter, Kaylee. Carrie was married and had three other children under the ages of 8. Carrie said she wanted help and felt she had nowhere else to turn; it had been 8 months since Kaylee’s death, and she felt everyone was…

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A Fresh Wave of Grief

By: Robyn Busekrus There is no easy way to deal with triggers.  They will always be with us. Sometimes when a song comes on the radio the emotions come strongly.  We each have our own way of facing our triggers and every person’s way of dealing with their emotions is okay. I know when I…

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I am Colette’s Mom

By: Michelle Valiukenas I am the proud mom of Colette Louise, my little fireball, gorgeous blonde with my nose, long legs, long fingers, and a spirit that just radiated love and peace. Colette was born at 24 weeks and 5 days, three weeks after I was hospitalized with preeclampsia.  She fought valiantly for nine days,…

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We Are Missing It All

By: Sabrina Ivy We are missing it all. And tonight it hurts like hell. Baby loss isn’t something that just happened at one tragic day in our lives years ago. It is something that we carry with us as we endure each and every day and special occasion that comes and goes without our daughter…

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The Beginning of Grief

By: Elaine de Leon When you say it out loud, it sounds unreal: I have been pregnant twice. I have never felt a contraction. I have never taken a baby home from the hospital. We lost our two babies – Francis and Zoe – 11 months apart. I was only 16 weeks pregnant with Francis…

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Helping My Sons Grieve

By: Robyn Busekrus I wish loss wasn’t a part of our journey.  When we found out we were expecting, we had this vision of what our family would look like.  It had been some years since having our boys, and we always had wanted another child. One of the hardest parts of this journey is…

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