Seasons of Love

By: Nikki Grayson The deep green and blue ocean waters rise and fall before me. The deep blue horizon looks to be a million miles away. Sand wedges between my toes and the warmth of the air envelopes me. As I search for hidden sand dollars, my eyes are set on the tan sandy beach,…

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Dad’s Arms Are Empty Too

By: Nikki Grayson Swollen eyes, pink tinged cheeks, and a steady stream of tears. Dark circles under the eyes, a solemn face, and forced words of strength. The definition of a newly bereaved mom and a newly bereaved dad. Yet we both are experiencing the same hurt and shared grief, the expectations are so different…

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When ‘Happy Father’s Day’ Has a New Meaning

By: Steven Lied Happy Father’s Day. These are three words that have taken on a new meaning since the loss of my son, Asher Ray Lied. As I reflect on Father’s Day in my life, I find myself remembering when I was a kid and all of the things that we did for my dad…

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A Father’s Loss

By: Matt Busekrus My wife Robyn has been writing on her blog at and for Sharing Magazine. I have been proud of her efforts and am glad she is using her writing as a platform to help others that have experienced loss. This month, for Sharing Magazine the topic is Father’s Day and Robyn…

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Anticipating Father’s Day

By: Mike Boresi  My wife and I lost Corynn on May 1st of 2007, six days prior to her due date. She was born into Heaven the following day. We checked into the hospital giddy with anticipation just hours after my wife heard Corynn’s heartbeat at the doctor’s office. Our world was turned upside down as…

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Celebrating Through Grief

By: Ginny Limer Celebrations are lighthearted, joy-filled, carefree occasions where smiles are shining, the energy is booming, rooms are full of contented people gathered together, hugging and laughing…but your heart is heavy.  Your joy is gone.  Your cares are not free.  Your smile and energy have faded.  Hugs and laughter bring you to tears, because…

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