Reflections of Share

By: Laura Curran In the summer of 1990, I had never even heard of Share or its mission. Yet, by the autumn of the same year, I could not have imagined how drastically our lives would change and how important Share would become to my husband Kevin and me. Pregnancy for the first time, we…

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Dear Friends: January 2017 Edition

  Welcome to 2017! This is a year we at Share have been anticipating for some time, and we are now here. Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support was founded in 1977 by Sister Jane Marie Lamb at St John’s Hospital in Springfield Illinois. At that time, there was very little offered to those who…

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Helping Others Help You Through Loss

By: Molly Hickey Sipping coffee and sitting across from a long time friend, we talked about the weather, her kids, our jobs, and husbands. With each break in the conversation, I hoped she would ask about Joseph and Grace. I hoped she’d ask about how I am navigating the grieving process, ask how it felt to be back at work when I was…

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What Share Has Meant to Me

This was originally published in the Share Magazine in the Jan/Feb 2008 edition.  By Krista McInerney Mommy to Madison Elaine McInerney, Elliott, and Meah  When I lost my daughter in March of 2002, I had never watched anyone I know experience the loss of their baby, let alone known anyone who had ever lost a baby. Besides…

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Kindness is Good for the Soul

This was written by Share’s Program Director, Rose Carlson. Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ~Anne Herbert It is quite possible that one simple little sentence, scrawled on a paper placemat in a restaurant in Sausalito, CA in the early 1980’s, sparked the concept of “paying it forward.” Random Acts of Kindness, or RAK’s, such as paying for coffee for the…

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Anticipating Father’s Day

By: Mike Boresi  My wife and I lost Corynn on May 1st of 2007, six days prior to her due date. She was born into Heaven the following day. We checked into the hospital giddy with anticipation just hours after my wife heard Corynn’s heartbeat at the doctor’s office. Our world was turned upside down as…

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An Open Letter To The Spring

An Open Letter To The Spring By: Nora LaFata Oh. Hey spring. Unlike practically everyone in the universe, I’m not all that happy to see you. (gasp!) Don’t get me wrong, you’re kind of awesome. I mean I love all the flowers. And I actually prefer the rain. I was born in the spring for…

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The Morning After Mother’s Day

The Morning After Mother’s Day By: Jennifer Massoni Pardini The morning after Mother’s Day was harder than Mother’s Day itself . That’s a surprise. Maybe that’s because Mother’s Day itself was a Sunday. That means Ryan was home, and we took Ruby out for some tennis balls in the backyard, and we ate all three…

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Going Back To Work After A Loss

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth Eventually, many grieving parents find themselves in the difficult position of going back to work after some time off. Having spent the weeks that should have been maternity or paternity leave coping with the sorrow of not holding our baby in our arms, we have to maneuver our way back into…

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Reflections on Grief, Healing, and Hope

By: Amy Ray Amy is a bereaved mom and member of the Baylor Grapevine Share support group in Grapevine, Texas. She shared these words with fellow Share families at the group’s walk and memorial service in November, 2015. We are so grateful that Amy has generously offered to share her reflection on grief and message…

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