Dear Husband, Thank You

By: Casey Zenner Oftentimes on this loss journey, I find myself forgetting that there is another person on this journey with me. While I, of course, never actually forget about my husband, it is hard in the midst of my grief, to remember he is grieving too. I think that is because our husbands fill…

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Back to Normal

By: Ann-Marie Ferry When normal seems on its way And tears have now ceased When all the thoughts in my head  Have settled in a calm place  The flood gates open  Destroying my glimpse of peace When my mosaic heart is crumbling  And I can’t take a breath  When tears start in my throat  Burning…

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What Medical History Doesn’t Say: The Loss of Hopes and Dreams

By: Ann-Marie Ferry Jon pulls the car up to the door of the hospital. I know where to go and what to do. I’ve done this many times before. He drives off to find a parking spot and I waddle towards the elevators. As I wait with several other people for that “ding,” I feel…

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Quiet Heroes

By: Jennifer Haake I spent many years in a clinical capacity in healthcare.  I don’t think anyone would ever disagree that nurses are the unsung heroes of medicine.  For a newly bereaved parent, they are often the ones to shape where the journey begins. In my case, I was laying on a stretcher getting my…

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To Be A Mother, All You Must Do Is Love

By: Casey Zenner What makes someone a Mother? This is something we recently talked about in one of the Ending a Wanted Pregnancy support groups I belong to on Facebook. When you think of the word Mother, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? It may be your own mom. It may…

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Still a Mother’s Day: Honoring Motherhood During the Pandemic

By: Keisha Wells Thirteen years ago, I faced my first Mother’s Day without my sons—just 29 days after they took their first and last breaths. Although a bitter-sweet celebration, I was gently supported by family and received thoughtful gifts and love on this premiere day in my motherhood. The first of so many days I…

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A Brief Life But One of Love

By: Anna Eastland I recently attended a celebration of life for a baby boy who lived for one month. His name was Matthew. He had the genetic defect Trisomy 18, so it was actually a miracle he lived that long. Before the funeral Mass, his mother, Maggie, got up and spoke in front of the…

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Blown Glass

My journey began as sand. Small grains that made up the very essence of my being.  Slowly and carefully the Artist worked, added, and toiled to create His work of art. Overtime I became molten glass, untouchable…A force to be reckoned with. A free spirit even the darkest of nights lusted to tame. The sands of time were worked…

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No One Really Understands What It Means To Be A Loss Mother

By: Ashley Bonebrake Fairchild Now, don’t get me wrong, I feel incredibly blessed in my life. I have my health and the health of my husband and living daughter. I love them with the fierceness of a lioness and always will. I thank my lucky stars for them every single day. No matter how bad…

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