Three Years

By: Amy Lied 3 Years This month marks three years since our son died. Three years since I said “hello” and “goodbye” to my child on the same day. Three years since I’ve seen his face. Three years since I’ve held his hand. Three years since my heart shattered into a million pieces. Three years…

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The Piano

By: Amy Lied Growing up, my next door neighbors were an elderly couple who were a bit like surrogate grandparents to my brother and me.  They would take us out to breakfast on snow days from school and have us over to play cards all the time.  In their home, they had a piano that…

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The Most Wonderful (and Grief-Filled) Time of the Year

By: Amy Lied I think it’s safe to say that the Christmas season is a favorite among a large number of people.  Christmas music is playing the day after Halloween. Social media is flooded with decorated trees only a few days after that.  Songs proclaim that it’s the “most wonderful time of the year”.  But…

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Share Walk: An Excerpt from Having Grace

By: Crissy Goodpaster “Another thing that really helps me and Chris is making sure to have Grace in our everyday life. We do this in many ways. One of the most important things we do is the Share Walk for Remembrance and Hope hosted by Share Pregnancy and Infant Loss Support. The October after we…

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Let Loss Guide Your Parenting

By: Shannon Duke As I write this post, I just finished up the day packing up items from Gracyn’s 1st birthday party. It was a great day filled with a hard’s day work of set-up, great music, delicious cupcakes, and wonderful friends. As I savored the time with those I cherished most, I couldn’t help…

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Father’s Day and Miscarriage

By: Tiffany Elder I remember looking at the screen and waiting.  Waiting for the technician to zoom in on the baby so we could see her for the first time. My husband was off to the side holding our three-year-old son on his lap. When the baby finally made her appearance on the screen, I…

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My Most Favorite Father

By: Amber Mangrum He made all the phone calls. He sent all the texts. Over and over, he repeated to family and friends, “Our girls are here.” We knew going into the hospital that it was not going to be sunshine and rainbows for us; our identical twin daughters were already gone. Giving birth was…

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When You’re Not Feeling Well on Mother’s Day

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth In the months after my first daughter was unexpectedly stillborn, I began to get used to the weight of grief. I became familiar with that sense of stumbling around in a fog, the air around me feeling thick with my own unshed tears. I grew accustomed to the way my throat…

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The Soul-Sucking (Or Soul-Saving) Space of Social Media

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth When my daughter died, I dropped off of Facebook. For me, Facebook had been a breezy, easy way to interact with people without getting into any of the harsh realities of life. I definitely used it to present the highlight reel—funny moments, the occasional witty observation, and photos to record the…

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