I am One in 8.

By: Chasity Marquette One in 8. That is just a statistic not unlike any other you see for diseases and conditions affecting Americans today. Until it isn’t. You never think it’s going to be you. I always knew I struggled with female issues (PCOS, Endometriosis, and painful cycles) that only worsened after my less than…

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Artwork on the Refrigerator

By: Amy Lied This piece of paper covered in scribbles is something I’ve longed to have on my fridge for years.  I use to go over to my friend’s homes and see their child’s daycare artwork hanging there and stare longingly at it.  I ached to have art on my fridge from my child. Each…

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To The Mom Learning to Parent After Loss

By: Kelley O. You should be enjoying life as a new parent but you can’t. You feel guilty about being happy since you’ve lost so much in the past. The joy you feel about your new baby is in competition with the sadness brought about your past losses. As if being happy about a new…

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To Ask For and Receive The Courage of No Quick Fixes

By: Justine Brooks Froelker I am a 39-year-old woman who doesn’t have kids, the most common question I get everywhere I go? “How many kids do you have?” Because I am a speaker of the unspoken, my response is always, “We tried really hard to have kids, lost three babies, and work hard to find…

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Dear Fertile Friend,

By: Kim Dames I know you had no issues getting pregnant. You decided one month it was time to start a family and the next month you received the positive pregnancy test. You had a normal and easy pregnancy. Delivery was even better. You bounced back easily and fit back into your clothes effortlessly. You…

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How Showing Empathy Can Help You Support Others

By: Elizabeth Lowder When a friend or loved one has experienced a loss like a miscarriage, failed IVF or even a negative pregnancy test, we want to do something to help. To take the pain and sadness away and to help them feel better. Common responses couples hear when they’re going through infertility might be…

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I Am 1 In 8.

By: Cassandra Ludwig My name is Cassandra and I am 1 of the 7.4 million women who has fertility issues.  My husband and I have been married for 11 years and have struggled with infertility for 8 of those years. When we decided to start a family, we had no idea the struggles we would…

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Adoption as a Next Step, Not a Last Resort

By: Becca When I was asked to write about infertility, IVF and adoption I jumped at the chance! Honestly, I don’t think a topic could suit me more if it tried, these topics are everything about which I am trying to raise awareness. To help people who are at any stage during this journey, including…

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When Starting A Family Does Not Go As Planned

By: Lisa Finkbeiner Trying to decide what words and feelings to type and share regarding my personal journey through infertility and loss has been difficult this time around.  My infertility journey began in early 2005 and I blogged in real-time throughout my experience with pure transparency.  It was cathartic to blog about what I was…

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