New Ambitions

By: Becca First off, Happy New Year to everyone!! I hope that in 2018 you are able to find comfort in the little things that matter, and find ways to deal with those that cause you pain. This is achievable, with the right support and mind-set, I am sure of it. Christmas is, of course,…

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May Your Days Be Merry And Bright

By: Kelley O. May your days be merry and bright…that’s what the old song tells us to expect this time of year, right? Christmas has ALWAYS been my favorite time of year, but the last few Christmases have been tough. I lost two of my pregnancies in December. Last Christmas was one of the worst.…

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Four: Our Journey to Parenthood

By: Kelley O. Our Journey to Parenthood Four. A number. A small number. Less than 5. More than 3. Low on a scale of 1 to 10. An insignificant number. Four. It’s the number of times I have gone to my husband with excitement to show him a little pink line! The number of times…

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When God Closes The Door, And No One Is Opening A Window

By: Natalie Johnson Our Infertility Story For the past 5 years my husband and I have come to realize that infertility can drain you in every.single.way. Every story is different, but all can have seem to have a constant theme of being full of hope but then, somewhere along the line, a proverbial plug is…

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Becoming A Gift

By: Justine Brooks Froelker   Sitting over tea in a dimly lit coffee shop she asks, “How often do you think of them?”   I shift my eyes to notice how many moms and babies are in the bustling shop. “Every day,” I respond.   “How?” she asks.   “I wonder how different our lives…

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