You Can’t Quantify Pain: Supporting Others Through Loss

By: Becca When it comes to pregnancy and infant loss, for the couple, the close family, even friends and colleagues, the emotion and pain can be felt like a tidal wave over the people involved, these people feel loss in different ways, and deal with it differently. It is hard to quantify pain, how do…

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Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness: Alivia’s Story

By: Sabrina Ivey October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage. 1 in 160 pregnancies end in stillbirth. Every day in the United States, approximately 70 babies are born still and silent. That’s 70 mothers and fathers who leave the hospital empty handed. 70 families making funeral arrangements…

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NOTHING, When I Actually Had Everything!

By Heather Glennon   My husband Sam and I lost our sweet baby boy, Travis at 38 weeks gestation in July 2016.  I remember that day in July so vividly!  The last day I felt him move was July 15. We took a walk down Main Street in our home town, went to our favorite spot…

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How To Plan A Wave of Light Event

By: Rose Carlson Those who work with and support families who experience the tragic death of a baby know just how meaningful ceremonies, rituals and memorial events are to heartbroken parents. Many parents continue to honor their baby over the years, and they are especially appreciative when others also remember their baby and provide them…

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Autumn’s Story

By: Kelsey Bell “It’s a girl!” Those three words were music to our ears. After having two perfectly healthy boys, we were more than ready to welcome a daughter into our family. I instantly began picturing what it would soon be like to have someone at home that I could relate to for once and…

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Share Walk for Remembrance and Hope: A Day to Remember

By: Joy Boresi “I’m very sorry, but I see your baby’s heart, and it’s not beating.” Those were the words that turned my and my husband’s world upside down.  We had tried for years to become pregnant, and the day we found out we were expecting was one of the happiest days of our lives.…

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Isaiah’s Story

On November 13th 2015, I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy Isaiah. He was everything my husband had prayed for. He was our third baby boy and I forever was going to be a “boy mom” and enjoy the fun chaos that comes along with all boys! All those dreams and desires came to…

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A Grandfather’s Grief

By: Bob Jerden, grandfather to Joshua Ryan Bruenning Our first grandson was born on Good Friday, April 21, 2000, about two months premature. We got the phone call early in the morning from our daughter, Jenny, and son-in-law, Kurt, to meet them at the hospital. Our ride was quick and quiet. Quick because we were…

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Four: Our Journey to Parenthood

By: Kelley O. Our Journey to Parenthood Four. A number. A small number. Less than 5. More than 3. Low on a scale of 1 to 10. An insignificant number. Four. It’s the number of times I have gone to my husband with excitement to show him a little pink line! The number of times…

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When God Closes The Door, And No One Is Opening A Window

By: Natalie Johnson Our Infertility Story For the past 5 years my husband and I have come to realize that infertility can drain you in every.single.way. Every story is different, but all can have seem to have a constant theme of being full of hope but then, somewhere along the line, a proverbial plug is…

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