Choosing Sunshine This Mother’s Day

By: Nikki Grayson Hello there, Beautiful Momma, I write this to you as I’m sitting in the warm sunshine, blue skies, and bright green grass. Flowers are starting to bloom, and the leaves are starting to bud. It’s that time of the year again; Spring. A season that brings many showers of rain, but also…

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The Lonely Journeys of Infertility and Quarantine

By: Stephanie Dunlap Infertility at any time can be a long, lonely journey. Being under quarantine can be a long, lonely journey. For many of us, at the beginning of the quarantine, there was a lot of unknown. Unknown about what all of this will look like, what our days will be like, how our…

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I am One in 8.

By: Chasity Marquette One in 8. That is just a statistic not unlike any other you see for diseases and conditions affecting Americans today. Until it isn’t. You never think it’s going to be you. I always knew I struggled with female issues (PCOS, Endometriosis, and painful cycles) that only worsened after my less than…

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Artwork on the Refrigerator

By: Amy Lied This piece of paper covered in scribbles is something I’ve longed to have on my fridge for years.  I use to go over to my friend’s homes and see their child’s daycare artwork hanging there and stare longingly at it.  I ached to have art on my fridge from my child. Each…

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A Celebration of Life

By: Nikki Grayson Colorful flowers float down the river as we say our goodbyes to my Grandpa Dave at his farm. It’s a cold day in November, family and friends have gathered together to celebrate the life he lived. A few short months before he died, he told me where he wanted his ashes spread…

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Work In Process: Healing After the Loss of My Baby

By: Robyn Busekrus The phrase, “Work in Progress,” has been one that I have heard frequently quoted.  Work in process I like better, since healing is a process that progresses.  When I think of where I am today, I am a healing work in process.  I don’t think I will be whole again.  However, I…

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Identity Shift

By: Rebecca Stockwell My loss came, as many do, out of the blue. I went for a routine ultrasound and found out my son had multiple anomalies. I’m a nurse, and when I lost my son I was working in step down ICU. I took about a week off after my loss and then returned…

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Loss, Love and the Will to Keep Fighting

By: Nikki Grayson We say it all the time, “I love you” or “I love that.” I wonder how many times a day we express it, let alone in a week. “Love” is such a strong word. We love our husbands, our family, our professions, and sometimes even a piece of cake. I have never…

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Three Years

By: Amy Lied 3 Years This month marks three years since our son died. Three years since I said “hello” and “goodbye” to my child on the same day. Three years since I’ve seen his face. Three years since I’ve held his hand. Three years since my heart shattered into a million pieces. Three years…

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