Coping with Miscarriage

By: Sierra Dean After I miscarried, my first thought was, “How long will I be sad?” The answer: as long as you need. Everyone’s experience with miscarriage is different and valid. I’ve experienced several miscarriages, but each one took a certain toll on me, whether emotionally or physically. You have a right to your feelings.…

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How Showing Empathy Can Help You Support Others

By: Elizabeth Lowder When a friend or loved one has experienced a loss like a miscarriage, failed IVF or even a negative pregnancy test, we want to do something to help. To take the pain and sadness away and to help them feel better. Common responses couples hear when they’re going through infertility might be…

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When Hello Means Goodbye

By: Tracy Gilmour-Nimoy, M.S., LMFT, PMH-C Over the edge of an exam table, my feet anxiously dangle; I can hear the sound from the crinkling paper as I nervously shift, my eyes desperately locked with my husband’s. A week of multiple diagnostics and appointments has led us here—in a doctor’s office three hours from home,…

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Grief, Hope, and YOGA

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth Before my daughter died, I didn’t understand that grief was a physical sensation. I knew what it meant to “feel sad,” but I had never grieved like this before. This was a whole-body experience. This was a constant headache, chronic tension from clenching my teeth and tightening my jaw. My body…

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Be Kind To Yourself

By: Keisha Wells “Be kind to yourself.” This was one of the first words of encouragement I received from a fellow angel mom. The first time I had ever been given this guidance. Her words were both comforting and abstract. How could I give any thought to caring for myself when facing such a crushing…

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Seeking Guidance From a Professional Therapist

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth This month, I wanted to ask a professional therapist about coping with baby loss, and no one seemed better equipped to discuss this subject than a therapist who is also a bereaved mama. My friend, Lindsey Antin, is a licensed marriage and family therapist in Berkeley, California. We became friends through…

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