Love Bears All Things

By: Kayla Leibner The journey of a bereaved parent is full of misconceptions, false impressions, and understatements.  It’s uncomfortable and unthinkable.  There’s no possible way to help someone to understand unless they, too, are walking in our shoes.  At some point, we were all on the misunderstanding end of this scenario.  I know I once…

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The Deep Roots of Legacy

By: Ann-Marie Ferry “Tough it out.” “Don’t cry.” Don’t be a girl.” We have been told for years that to show pain, or to speak of it, is weakness. We are the children of stoicism. The American roots run deep into this ancient philosophy. At the heart we know something is wrong with it but…

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Missing More Than Milestones

By: Kayla Leibner I often find myself wondering what life would be like if I wasn’t a bereaved mother.  I wonder how different I would be if I wasn’t on this path.  The truth is, this is my reality, and I’ll never again know life the way it was before this journey of grief began. …

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By: Rebecca Stockwell A close friend had a baby a few weeks before my son was born. We live a few hours from each other, so I wasn’t around for most of her milestones. When she was seven months old, we were invited to her baptism and to spend the night at her house. We don’t…

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The Little Yellow Butterfly

By: Casey Zenner One of the greatest things about being a parent is watching the bond your children have grow over the years. When you have one child in Heaven the fear of missing out on witnessing that bond for me, at least, has been one of the toughest  parts of this journey. Not only…

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Seasons of Love

By: Nikki Grayson The deep green and blue ocean waters rise and fall before me. The deep blue horizon looks to be a million miles away. Sand wedges between my toes and the warmth of the air envelopes me. As I search for hidden sand dollars, my eyes are set on the tan sandy beach,…

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By: Ann-Marie Ferry Twenty-five feet of crystal-clear water rolled between the pier where I stood and the smooth, colorful boulders on the lake floor. I was enchanted by this simmering window into aquatic life, mesmerized, in my own world. “Ann-Marie, the line is moving,” a voice called out. My parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents,…

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An Artistic Walk Through Grief

By: Ann-Marie Ferry The suddenness of grief is disorienting. It leaves us grappling for a way, a path to walk. We as bereaved parents had no choice. Grief came and we did our best. We kept waking up. We kept on. Our paths all look a little different, but the emotions often feel so familiar.…

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