Sad Moments During Special Days

By: Marie Kriedman I find myself in a new place of my grief journey:  regret, with a side helping of disappointment and sorrow. I am struggling with the fact that my last pregnancy ended in death.  My husband and I would like to add to our family, but my age makes it more difficult.  We…

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The Seasons of Grief

By: Robyn Busekrus Spring is a time of new beginnings. Seeing the flowers bloom at this time of year brings joy.The anticipation of the colors unfolding ushers a sense of excitement. Seasons bring changesin the weather and in our surroundings. Grief also brings changes in the seasons in our lives. There are two seasons of…

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By: Lindsey Dell I have a confession. I’m an addict. Reality tv. You name it…I probably watch it. The trashier the better. I’m sure there’s a whole psychological reason behind why I love trashy television so much, but I don’t really care. It makes me feel better about myself and that’s good enough a reason…

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Receive the Healing

By: Justine Froelker Trauma can stay stuck, living in us for long past the harm. Our body remembers, trauma gets stuck in our tissues, our hearts yearn, and our brain makes up stories to keep us as safe and comfortable as possible. It often happened in my office when I was working with individual clients…

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What Grieving Parents Wish Everyone Else Knew

By: Michelle L. Cramer I’ve been doing bereavement photography for 15 years, working specifically with families who have medically fragile children or who lose a child at birth. Because I am not the type of person that can just walk away from someone in their hardest moments, the photography services I began providing so long…

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Get Your (Toxic) Positivity Out Of Here

By: Lindsey Dell Ok, ok, ok. I know that sounds rude, but just hear me out, ok? We all have that one friend, coworker, family member, mentor, what-have-you that always wants you to “look on the bright side.” You know exactly who I mean. The “glass is always full” person. And honestly, we all need…

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A New Year

By: Lauren Hearne It’s a time to reflect on the past year and plan for what this new year will bring and make lists/goals/resolutions/etc. I always loved the idea of a new year and the hope of what that may bring and a chance for a fresh start. I always loved the idea of making…

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