A Tribute To A Share Caregiver

By: Karen Christopher On February 19, 2002, our daughter Elizabeth Christena Swader came silently into the world. I was 36 1/2 weeks and this was our first baby. We learned of her demise about 36 hours before when we went to the doctor for a routine visit and there was no heartbeat. There are no…

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A Distinguished Caregiver

A distinguished caregiver offering the gift of oneself to make a difference. His Story The Labor and Delivery nurse attended my wife when she delivered our daughter, Maria. Maria was stillborn at 30 weeks. Our nurse did not leave my wife’s side all night. Though Maria was the first stillborn our nurse had delivered, she…

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His Loss: My Husband’s Take On Our Miscarriage

By: Eva and Kyle Martino This is a post I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Loss, and the grieving process, is so unique– so nonlinear, so unexpected. And it can be just as individual between partners experiencing the same event. I asked my husband, Kyle Martino, to write his most honest, most unapologetic…

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Reflections of Share

By: Laura Curran In the summer of 1990, I had never even heard of Share or its mission. Yet, by the autumn of the same year, I could not have imagined how drastically our lives would change and how important Share would become to my husband Kevin and me. Pregnancy for the first time, we…

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How My Marriage Changed After My Miscarriage

This article was originally published in the July/August 2016 Sharing Magazine.  By Dr. Jessica Zucker Our feet touched as my husband and I leaned against our linen headboard in resignation, but we were a world apart. I had wine in one hand and a large spoonful of ice cream in the other. Since I was no longer…

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What Share Has Meant to Me

This was originally published in the Share Magazine in the Jan/Feb 2008 edition.  By Krista McInerney Mommy to Madison Elaine McInerney, Elliott, and Meah  When I lost my daughter in March of 2002, I had never watched anyone I know experience the loss of their baby, let alone known anyone who had ever lost a baby. Besides…

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Choosing One Another

By: Justine Brooks Froelker   Think back to your wedding day or the day you publicly declared you were choosing one another. What do you remember thinking? For most of us, we dreamed of children in our future. We for sure did not dream of the struggle of infertility and loss throughout that dream. However, I…

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Catch 22

This article was originally published in the Jan/Feb 2014 issue of the Share newsletter. By Maggie Stockmann How many kids do you have? Is she your oldest? Such a simple question with such complicated answers. All that goes into deciding how to answer – Will I see this person again? Are we in public? Am…

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Kindness is Good for the Soul

This was written by Share’s Program Director, Rose Carlson. Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty. ~Anne Herbert It is quite possible that one simple little sentence, scrawled on a paper placemat in a restaurant in Sausalito, CA in the early 1980’s, sparked the concept of “paying it forward.” Random Acts of Kindness, or RAK’s, such as paying for coffee for the…

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