Remembering Carson

By: Amanda Crews In March of 2017, at 37 weeks pregnant, I heard the crushing words, “Amanda, I am so sorry, but there’s no heartbeat,” as I lay on an ultrasound table within my obstetrician’s office. Visions of changing diapers, sleepless nights, late night feeds, milestones, and the life we had planned came tumbling down.…

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You’re Entitled to Your Opinion

Sharing your story is intended to help others and continue the story of your baby. There can be great joy with this but sadly also an exposure to unkindness and hurtful comments.

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By: Autumn Purdy “… I find sweet peace in depths of autumn woods, Where grow the ragged ferns and roughened moss; The naked, silent trees have taught me this,— The loss of beauty is not always loss!” From “November” by Elizabeth Drew Stoddard I awaken from a vivid, haunting dream and remorsefully remember: She’d be…

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The Hardest Part

By: Artis Granville The hardest part is everything. Everything hurts the same. If I had to choose what hurts the most my dear, it’s you not being here for me to call you by name. For now, when I call your name my child it is in remembrance of you, For I refuse to let…

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In the Blink of an Eye

By: Artis Granville I squirmed in the salon chair endlessly. “What’s wrong son?” I asked as I gently rub my tummy. I was now 22 weeks and 6 days along in my pregnancy. I was expecting a baby boy. “Are you hungry?” The stylist asked. “No, my baby is uncomfortable today.” I replied. It took…

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A Walk With Grief

By: Amanda Crews Grief is catching. After five and a half years of showing up unexpectedly, it continues to do just that.  I bent down to pick up the dirty laundry in the corner of our bathroom that somehow landed next to the hamper and not in it. With three children in our home, four…

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When Words Hurt

Sharing your story is intended to help others and continue the story of your baby. There can be great joy with this but sadly also an exposure to unkindness and hurtful comments.

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Reviving Joy

It takes work to revive your joy after a loss. Be thankful for every small step you make in your healing.

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That Pearl of Great Price

By: Elise Donovan The following is an exert from Elise Donovan’s new book The Pearl of Great Price: A Year of Birth, Death, and Awakening. This book shares the story of the loss of her daughter Carly, and the journal entries of the year following her loss. Twenty-one years ago today, I birthed my lifeless…

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