Grieving Now and Grieving Then

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth I studied Victorian literature in graduate school, and alongside the novels I read, I learned a great deal about culture in Victorian England. Nineteenth-century Britain was fascinating to me—particularly in all of its contrast with our contemporary society. The strictly gendered spheres for men and women, the uncomfortable clothing, the formal…

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A Celebration of Life

By: Nikki Grayson Colorful flowers float down the river as we say our goodbyes to my Grandpa Dave at his farm. It’s a cold day in November, family and friends have gathered together to celebrate the life he lived. A few short months before he died, he told me where he wanted his ashes spread…

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Let’s Stop Saying “At Least”

By: Amy Lied When someone you love dies, it seems to be fairly customary to express your sympathies followed by some platitude to attempt to lessen the griever’s pain. This is where the “at-least” statements come into play. A few of my favorites after my son died were:             “I’m so sorry for your loss.”…

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Work In Process: Healing After the Loss of My Baby

By: Robyn Busekrus The phrase, “Work in Progress,” has been one that I have heard frequently quoted.  Work in process I like better, since healing is a process that progresses.  When I think of where I am today, I am a healing work in process.  I don’t think I will be whole again.  However, I…

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Where I Am Today

By: Kayla Leibner My life story begins thirty-one years ago, but my life-changing story began just two and a half years ago in August of 2017… From diagnosis to death, we had five days to digest the circumstances threatening the life of our unborn daughter, Melody.  Our world was shattered into a million pieces when…

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Three Years

By: Amy Lied 3 Years This month marks three years since our son died. Three years since I said “hello” and “goodbye” to my child on the same day. Three years since I’ve seen his face. Three years since I’ve held his hand. Three years since my heart shattered into a million pieces. Three years…

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Grief Counseling: a Guide on Your Healing Journey

By: Kelly Karavousanos Carrie entered counseling after she had experienced the stillbirth of her daughter, Kaylee. Carrie was married and had three other children under the ages of 8. Carrie said she wanted help and felt she had nowhere else to turn; it had been 8 months since Kaylee’s death, and she felt everyone was…

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The Piano

By: Amy Lied Growing up, my next door neighbors were an elderly couple who were a bit like surrogate grandparents to my brother and me.  They would take us out to breakfast on snow days from school and have us over to play cards all the time.  In their home, they had a piano that…

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My Christmas Baby

By: Amanda Glazebrook Our story starts the same way that so many do: my husband and I dreamed of having a baby. Technically, we had a baby at home, but she’d grown into a toddler, bright and clever and so beloved that it seemed impossible to resist the lure of having another, although we’d said…

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