Grief and Joy
By: Karen Hart
Grief came suddenly to me
And she took me by the hand
Day by day I walked and walked
Till I could no longer stand
Each day flowed into the next
And it seemed they’d never change
My heart felt forever broken
And I thought it would so remain
One day as we walked, I sensed another
And I was scared to look and see
Who else was walking next to us?
Who was coming close to me?
And then I looked into those kind soft eyes
Joy had joined our walk
And as we traveled on together
Joy began to talk
She then began to explain to me
That Grief was also her friend
That we could all journey together
As we traveled this new land
At times Grief holds me closely
And I see no hope ahead
But then Joy nudges me gently
reminds me she’s also my friend
And so, we’ve slowly settled in
My two close friends they are
Grief and Joy have taught me much
Both important to my heart.
In memory of all of my angels

About Karen Hart
I’m a wife, a momma, a Mee Maw, a sister and friend. Our first four children went directly to Heaven, before they were born. After attending Share Events we finally felt the “permission” and freedom to give our children names, Phillip, Oliver, Hazel and Timothy. Our four adult children (Andrew, Katy, Rachel and Jonathan) and their three spouses (Michelle, Tyler and Preston) have given us 11 amazing grandchildren. Three of those grandchildren are in Heaven. The subject of miscarriage, infant loss and child loss is dear to the heart of our family, and we seek to make the subject more acceptable for open discussion.
This warmed my heart. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem.
Goodness Karen that is touching and beautiful.