Awareness is needed to reach more moms and Dads

By: Marie Kriedman I never knew there was a Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month.  In my mind, October was a month of crisp fall air, pumpkin spice overload, colorful leaves, and pink breast cancer ribbons, before beelining into Halloween. I am now very familiar with the pink and blue ribbon that represents a baby…

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She is Still a Part of Our Family

By: Marie Kriedman In the immediate days following the miscarriage of our daughter, my husband and I were in a minefield of grief.  We were in shock, still trying to understand how our life had taken such a turn, and we felt deeply overwhelmed. We needed a breather from caring for our children, so we…

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How Come It Feels So Tough To Ask For What We Need?

By: Justine Froelker How come it feels so tough to ask for what we want and need or to say what we need to say? Is it really as tough as we tell ourselves?What holds us back? The discomfort?We don’t want to be a burden?We think and insist on doing everything ourselves?What happens if we…

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Your Baby is So Much More than Gone

By: Amanda Crews After Carson died, my world turned to ruins. Everything we had planned for was gone. It didn’t matter that we installed the car seat a week prior or that his nursery was 100% ready. It didn’t matter that every piece of clothing was washed and ready to be worn. We wouldn’t wait…

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Dear Bereaved Parent:

By: Robyn Busekrus I wish this weren’t your reality. Losing a child is something we should not have to experience. If I had a magic wand, I would wish for a different reality for myself and for you. Something unexpected happened and it is trying. Acceptance is understanding that what we have experienced is not…

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Whatever It Takes

By: Lindsey Dell I love the band Imagine Dragons. They have a song called “Whatever it Takes,” which I’m certain was written about something far different than managing grief but for a long time after the loss of our baby, I felt like it was my theme song. (Actually, if we’re being really honest, my…

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Creating a Healing Memorial Garden

By: Rose Carlson Many people enjoy gardening as a relaxing and comforting way to connect with nature, so creating a special memorial garden may be the ideal project for this spring. The planning process can give you something positive and creative to focus on at a time when you may have difficulty focusing on much…

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You can help, even when feeling helpless

By: Marie Kriedman It can be difficult when friends or family grieve a loss. Watching someone work through shock and crippling pain is even more difficult when you want to help. There are no concrete steps that will make it better, and it can feel helpless. A friend of mine experienced a baby loss at…

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Words that Heal: Journaling your way through healing and hope

By: Rose Carlson People often feel intimidated by the thought of journaling because they think they are not good writers. Perhaps they have bad memories of papers and English classes with red pen marks pointing out every mistake. But journaling is not about “good” writing. Or grammar. Or punctuation. Or spelling. Or any of that.…

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Walking in My Grief

By: Amanda Crews Child loss is something I had honestly never even thought about. Now, it’s all that I think about. We lost our first born at 37 weeks. On Thursday we heard his heartbeat, and on Friday, he was gone. How do you wrap your head around that? It’s nearly impossible. It took everything…

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