Love From Up Above
By: Evelyn Rodriguez
Bereaved sibling, Evelyn Rodriguez wrote a children’s book in honor of her sister Vivianne. Please read the introduction from Evelyn and click on the link to view her book.
This book is dedicated to all the surviving children who have lost their siblings. We are a part of an exclusive group with loved ones up above. I wanted to give a resource that could be used for both the children and parents to talk and work together in their grief of their experience with pregnancy and infant loss. When I lost my little sister, Vivianne Isabelle when I was eight years old, I had wished that this type of resource was available for myself, but I didn’t have one. This book shows those experiencing this that they are not alone in their grief, that what they feel is valid, and that there is light on the other side of the tunnel during this difficult time. I didn’t have this type of resources growing up and I had tried to comprehend what was happening practically on my own. My mom always tried her best to help me understand that I wasn’t alone and that others have been through this experience, but I think having a book where parents can read to their kids and work pages in the back so they can work hand in hand together would have helped me growing up. This resource is free for anyone to download or share; I want it to be a resource anyone can use when needed. I also provided phone numbers and websites to the back of the book if professional help is wanted. I completed this book as my Gold Award Project. From the start of my Gold Award process, I knew that I wanted to have this as my “action project” since it was so dear to my heart.
A Gold Award must prove a girl’s leadership skills in a “take action” project that has a sustainable impact in their community and beyond. My take-action project goal was to publish a booklet to donate to an organization that helps others with infant loss grief. My Gold Award addresses our community’s lack of resources specifically for children who have lost a sibling to a miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant loss. This is something close to my heart as I am a sibling less due to my mom losing my little sister due to stillbirth. I felt alone and would have liked something to connect me with others in a similar situation. I plan to create a storybook connecting the kids, the parents, and the guardians in their grief. I want to help children to understand better what has happened. This book and project will be directed toward the children and the family. And I dedicated my book to my little sister that’s up above, Vivienne.

About Evelyn Rodriguez
My name is Evelyn Rodriguez. I am 17 years old, I’ve been in Girl Scouts for 13 years, and I am an Ambassador level scout; this was my last year. Currently, I am working towards my Bachelor’s in Kinesiology, with an emphasis on Pre-Medicine, and my main goal is to become a Pediatrician when I grow up!
Thank you so much for sharing your story. Great resource for those who have experienced loss and do not know how to explain it to their little ones who also experience this loss.