She is Still a Part of Our Family

By: Marie Kriedman

In the immediate days following the miscarriage of our daughter, my husband and I were in a minefield of grief.  We were in shock, still trying to understand how our life had taken such a turn, and we felt deeply overwhelmed.

We needed a breather from caring for our children, so we stepped outside for a quick break.  The weather matched our mood.  The sky was black, and a storm was blowing in quickly.  And amazingly, unfathomably, there was one solitary pink cloud in the sky.  It stood out among the darkness.  We weren’t expecting it, and I am convinced it came from our baby, Olivia, sending us a sign that she was OK.

“She’s still checking on us and she loves us,” I thought.

My husband and I held each other and cried, knowing the pink cloud was from our girl.  We saw it again three days later and have not seen it since.

From that moment on, we have always associated a pink sky with our daughter.  It feels like a hug, and I smile every time.  I stop my busy, hectic day and pause, enjoying the serene moment.  Logically, I know there is red in a sunrise or sunset, but my soul only sees my baby sending us love.

It has become a symbol that she is still with us.  She is forever a part of our family.  In that pink cloud, I could feel her, see a symbol of her, and know she loves us.  I also choose to believe that it is a sign that she is at peace.  I like to think that she knows how much we love her and miss her – how much we grieve her.  We still have good and bad days with our grief, and I suspect we always will.  Finding a beautiful pink cloud in the sky reminds me that she is with me for all of my days.

About Marie Kriedman

Marie started her journalism career as a copy editor and paginator for a newspaper.  She eventually left the newspaper business and has continued as a freelance writer for more than 20 years.  She founded Write Away K and is the author of many children’s books. She published two books to honor her daughter, Saying Goodbye to Olivia and Olivia Had Trisomy 18. Marie and her husband are graciously permitted to live in a house with their cats. They are also parents to two children and one angel baby. Please visit to learn more.

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