Posts Tagged ‘Amy Lied’
The Life We All Envisioned: Suffering the Loss of a Grandchild
A grandparents heart breaks for the pain that their child is experiencing and for the loss of their grandbaby.
Read MorePregnancy After Loss
Pregnancy after Loss is an emotional roller coaster, but you are never alone.
Read MoreStaying Connected to Your Baby
During the times that I am missing my boy, I put on his playlist and feel close to him, while usually having a good cry alone in my car, as well.
Read MoreForgotten Fathers
Remember that father’s grieve like mothers do. Remember that Father’s Day is not easy for them.
Read MoreBereaved Mother’s Day
By: Amy Lied The Sunday before Mother’s Day. A day you never heard of until you joined this terrible club. It’s a day set assigned to honor the mothers who are living without their child/ren. It’s a day with which I have a love/hate relationship. I love the fact that we get our own day,…
Read MoreA Warrior of Hope
By: Amy Lied We all see the pregnancy test commercials. The ones where the couple is sitting there together anxiously waiting for the test to be positive. After a few uneasy moments, they look at the test and, of course, it’s positive! I know some companies have gotten better at showing the other side of…
Read MoreA Warrior of Hope
By: Amy Lied We all see the pregnancy test commercials. The ones where the couple is sitting there together anxiously waiting for the test to be positive. After a few uneasy moments, they look at the test and, of course, it’s positive! I know some companies have gotten better at showing the other side of…
Read MoreGrief
By: Amy Lied Grief is now a lifelong companion for me. Over the course of the four years that I have been living with grief, it has evolved. Now, I can breathe easier, the grief more in the background with the occasional really heavy day. During those initial days after the loss of my son,…
Read MoreGrieving together …. and apart
Carrying hope and the love for my baby into the New Year.
Read MoreNew Year’s …. a time for hope
Carrying hope and the love for my baby into the New Year.
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