‘Watching Over You (Brianna’s Song)’

Songwriter, John Dolan wrote this song Watching Over You (Brianna’s Song) in honor of his niece, Brianna. He felt inspired to write this song in 1999 when Brianna was miscarried. Dolan hopes it can bring comfort to families who have suffered a similar loss. Listen Here   “Watching Over You” © (Brianna’s Song) Verse 1 You…

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April 2017 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost and those who serve at Share. This month we honor and remember the names listed below. Madeline Antonio By: Mary Ellen Antonio John McKinley Barr By: Katherine McKinley “In memory of our own…

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A Tribute To A Share Caregiver

By: Karen Christopher On February 19, 2002, our daughter Elizabeth Christena Swader came silently into the world. I was 36 1/2 weeks and this was our first baby. We learned of her demise about 36 hours before when we went to the doctor for a routine visit and there was no heartbeat. There are no…

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Mommy, Interrupted: Surviving 3 Lost Pregnancies

What I’ve Learned From Surviving 3 Lost Pregnancies By: Tori Johnson-Jones, as told to Anthonia Akitunde I knew that motherhood was a title that I wanted to have in my lifetime. I had already been with my husband for some time, and I knew that he would be a great teacher for whatever children we…

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These Precious Babies Changed My Life

It is always a privilege to honor and remember the many precious babies who were real and who were loved. -Sister Jane’s Personal Memoir By: Sister Jane Marie Lamb, OSF My time of nearly 30 years journeying with bereaved parents has a been a gifted time for me in more ways than I could ever…

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A Distinguished Caregiver

A distinguished caregiver offering the gift of oneself to make a difference. His Story The Labor and Delivery nurse attended my wife when she delivered our daughter, Maria. Maria was stillborn at 30 weeks. Our nurse did not leave my wife’s side all night. Though Maria was the first stillborn our nurse had delivered, she…

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Dear Friends: March 2017 Edition

I hope wherever you are reading this you are beginning to see morsels of springtime popping through.  For us here in the Midwest, the winter has been very mild, although we are aware, that is hardly the case for so many others.  For those who abhor the bitter cold weather, the mild temperatures are a…

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Is This Your First?

By Maria Paredes, PhD, LPCS   Brave Momma,   The one in prenatal yoga tonight with a 12 week flat belly. Your first time coming. I see you.   I started going to the classes around the same time during my 3rd and 4th pregnancies. 11 or 12 weeks pregnant. I went each week. Rarely…

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His Loss: My Husband’s Take On Our Miscarriage

By: Eva and Kyle Martino This is a post I’ve been thinking about for a while now. Loss, and the grieving process, is so unique– so nonlinear, so unexpected. And it can be just as individual between partners experiencing the same event. I asked my husband, Kyle Martino, to write his most honest, most unapologetic…

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Sharing Caroline

By: Julia Henry After months of discussion and consideration, we made a parenting non-decision. We would spend December 12 as we have for the last 8 years, and if it seemed to make sense to share our story with the girls for the first time during that day, then we would. If not, then we…

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