Posts Tagged ‘family grief’
Dear Bereaved Parent:
By: Robyn Busekrus I wish this weren’t your reality. Losing a child is something we should not have to experience. If I had a magic wand, I would wish for a different reality for myself and for you. Something unexpected happened and it is trying. Acceptance is understanding that what we have experienced is not…
Read MoreOne Step At A Time
By: Robyn Busekrus One of my favorite things to do is to sit outside at night and watch the sun go down. Sometimes the deer run through our woods and the birds perch on the feeders. When I think of the purpose in the serenity of the woods, it’s to reflect on the simple things:…
Read MoreGrowing in Grief
By: Robyn Busekrus Gardening is one of my hobbies that I enjoy. This year, my garden hasn’t been as productive as in previous years. The drought and heat have hindered our garden’s growth. When planning our garden, I think of the best produce to grow. I have learned through experience of which items grow with…
Read MoreThe Seasons of Grief
By: Robyn Busekrus Spring is a time of new beginnings. Seeing the flowers bloom at this time of year brings joy.The anticipation of the colors unfolding ushers a sense of excitement. Seasons bring changesin the weather and in our surroundings. Grief also brings changes in the seasons in our lives. There are two seasons of…
Read MoreHonoring Your Child During The Holidays
The holidays can be difficult to celebrate when grieving. Finding ways to honor your baby can help bring you peace and comfort.
Read MorePink and Blue Awareness Project
October is the month for all loss parents to help bring awareness of our deep grief and the ongoing love that we have for our babies.
Read MoreThe Life We All Envisioned: Suffering the Loss of a Grandchild
A grandparents heart breaks for the pain that their child is experiencing and for the loss of their grandbaby.
Read MoreMothering Each Day
By: Robyn Busekrus The birds are singing and the sun is shining. When I turn the calendar to May, it brings sadness. I say to myself, “Here we go again.” This month, we honor mothers and for those of us who have been on this loss journey it is difficult. This May, my son would…
Read MoreJournaling Is For Everyone
By: Crystal Webster Everyone knows they should journal. We’ve heard it a hundred times. Having a tough time processing your feelings? Journal. Have to make a big decision at work? Journal. Can’t decide what to have for lunch? Journal. It seems like the answer to everything is writing it down. But journaling is hard. A…
Read MoreThe Most Wonderful (and Grief-Filled) Time of the Year
By: Amy Lied I think it’s safe to say that the Christmas season is a favorite among a large number of people. Christmas music is playing the day after Halloween. Social media is flooded with decorated trees only a few days after that. Songs proclaim that it’s the “most wonderful time of the year”. But…
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