Stranger Interactions

By: Amy Lied Everyone loves babies, throw in more than one and people can’t contain themselves.  We hear the same sentiments all the time. “Are they twins?” “You have your hands full!” “Boy/girl?” (While my twin daughters are both wearing pink…face palm!) “My second cousin twice removed has twins!” “My daughter has twins and she…

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Helping My Sons Grieve

By: Robyn Busekrus I wish loss wasn’t a part of our journey.  When we found out we were expecting, we had this vision of what our family would look like.  It had been some years since having our boys, and we always had wanted another child. One of the hardest parts of this journey is…

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A Father’s Loss

By: Matt Busekrus My wife Robyn has been writing on her blog at and for Sharing Magazine. I have been proud of her efforts and am glad she is using her writing as a platform to help others that have experienced loss. This month, for Sharing Magazine the topic is Father’s Day and Robyn…

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True Colors: Celebrating on Mother’s Day

By: Robyn Busekrus As Mother’s Day approaches, we may be flooded with memories of our own mothers, longing to be a mother, the pain of losing a child and the joys of becoming a mom. These are just some ways we may connect to the concept on Mother’s Day.   For myself, the day is…

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Partners On The Journey

By: Robyn Busekrus Grief is messy and complicated.  There are the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance.  For myself, they did not go in that sequential order. Depending on the day, sometimes it was anger and at other times I experienced another emotion on the list.  Sometimes it was a combination of…

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Tis the season… for grief

By: Sabrina Ivy The stockings are hung. The presents are wrapped. The menu is planned. And your heart is a mess. Not just a little mess. A giant, sticky, crazy, out of control mess. Am I right? You’ve got plans with family. Despite the hell you have experienced you feel obligated to carry on and…

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Bitter or Better

By: Julie Linck December 4, 2001 was a blessing for our family as we welcomed our 2nd child and first daughter, Mia Suzanne at 38 weeks. Little did we know how quickly our lives would change when she suddenly passed away five days later, to what we learned afterwards was meningitis along with a significant…

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Holding Onto Hope This Holiday Season

By: Robyn Busekrus On December 6th, we attended the annual Angel of Hope Ceremony in our town of Washington, Missouri.  Last year was our first year to participate and the grief was very raw. Being new to the event, we were not sure what to expect.  I went through the motions of being there, but…

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A New Season: Honoring Your Baby

By: Robyn Busekrus As the Fall season approaches, it is bittersweet.  Fall has been my favorite season, but this year it has a somber feeling.  This time last year, was such a time of joy as we were anticipating our son.  The cool weather, the breezes, pumpkins and leaves falling are some aspects of fall…

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When Healing Is A Journey Not A Destination

By: Robyn Busekrus Throughout the time of our journey, I have heard the word healing.  At times, healing seems that you are better or whole again. I think of when you have a cut and it heals, you may have a scar.  You are not completely whole, as you have something to remind you of…

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