Letters to Heaven

By: Sabrina Ivy My Sweet Alivia Rose, You are the first thing I think of every morning when I wake. You are the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep. Countless times I think of you throughout the day. My heart longs for you. My arms ache for you. Despite all the…

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Letters to Hope

By: Robin Busekrus This Christmas, my mother-in-law gave me a journal.  On the front cover there is the word Hope.  My mother-in-law said, “I know how much you enjoy to write.  I thought you would like this for writing about Hope.”   At that moment, I did not know what I would write in the journal.…

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My Dearest Dolly

By: Heather West My dearest Dolly, How do I put into words the many ways you changed my life? There is so much I want to say to you, but I was not granted with the blessing of telling you in person. Instead I am forced to unwillingly put on layers upon layers, bundle up,…

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A Letter to My Daugther

By: Kathleen Berg Dear Valerie, Your Birthday is almost upon us again. This time of year is incredibly hard to get through. It is hard to believe that almost eight years ago you came into this world, were here but two short hours, and were quickly gone. I stared upon your face and only held…

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Dear Hadley

By: Leslie Steele Dear Hadley, It’s been 19 months. 19 months ago we got to meet you and be amazed by you. We always knew you were special, incredible really, but meeting you just confirmed it. Daddy and I switch off between imagining you as you would be here at this age and what life…

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On Love, Loss and Having Babies

By: Anna Eastland It’s funny that what people so often emphasize about babies is how much work they are. How they will take over your life and make it difficult. How they should generally be avoided in order to live a life of comfort and success. But I can honestly say that the hardest thing…

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New Ambitions

By: Becca First off, Happy New Year to everyone!! I hope that in 2018 you are able to find comfort in the little things that matter, and find ways to deal with those that cause you pain. This is achievable, with the right support and mind-set, I am sure of it. Christmas is, of course,…

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To Our Glories

By: Justine Brooks Froelker   The darkness left behind by the loss of you can feel as if the breath, the very essence of who we once were and who we wanted to be, has been taken from us.   Some days the darkness so heavy it can be difficult to put one foot in front…

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By: Mary Farr A Reason to Hope I said to the night that stood at the gate of the new year, “Give me a light that I might tread safely into the dark and unknown.” And a voice said in reply, “Put your hand into the hand of the one who made you, and your…

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May Your Days Be Merry And Bright

By: Kelley O. May your days be merry and bright…that’s what the old song tells us to expect this time of year, right? Christmas has ALWAYS been my favorite time of year, but the last few Christmases have been tough. I lost two of my pregnancies in December. Last Christmas was one of the worst.…

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