A Bereaved Mom is a Real Mom

By: Paige Sanderson Breakfast in bed, a card signed “Love, Mike and Holden,” and a picture of flowers created by Holden’s perfect little handprints. That’s what I was hoping my first Mother’s Day would be like. After all, it’s what I’ve been waiting for my whole life. A mom’s first Mother’s Day is supposed to…

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Artwork on the Refrigerator

By: Amy Lied This piece of paper covered in scribbles is something I’ve longed to have on my fridge for years.  I use to go over to my friend’s homes and see their child’s daycare artwork hanging there and stare longingly at it.  I ached to have art on my fridge from my child. Each…

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Let’s Stop Saying “At Least”

By: Amy Lied When someone you love dies, it seems to be fairly customary to express your sympathies followed by some platitude to attempt to lessen the griever’s pain. This is where the “at-least” statements come into play. A few of my favorites after my son died were:             “I’m so sorry for your loss.”…

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Work In Process: Healing After the Loss of My Baby

By: Robyn Busekrus The phrase, “Work in Progress,” has been one that I have heard frequently quoted.  Work in process I like better, since healing is a process that progresses.  When I think of where I am today, I am a healing work in process.  I don’t think I will be whole again.  However, I…

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Be Kind To Yourself

By: Keisha Wells “Be kind to yourself.” This was one of the first words of encouragement I received from a fellow angel mom. The first time I had ever been given this guidance. Her words were both comforting and abstract. How could I give any thought to caring for myself when facing such a crushing…

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Three Years

By: Amy Lied 3 Years This month marks three years since our son died. Three years since I said “hello” and “goodbye” to my child on the same day. Three years since I’ve seen his face. Three years since I’ve held his hand. Three years since my heart shattered into a million pieces. Three years…

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Journaling Is For Everyone

By: Crystal Webster Everyone knows they should journal. We’ve heard it a hundred times. Having a tough time processing your feelings? Journal. Have to make a big decision at work? Journal. Can’t decide what to have for lunch? Journal. It seems like the answer to everything is writing it down. But journaling is hard. A…

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The Piano

By: Amy Lied Growing up, my next door neighbors were an elderly couple who were a bit like surrogate grandparents to my brother and me.  They would take us out to breakfast on snow days from school and have us over to play cards all the time.  In their home, they had a piano that…

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The Most Wonderful (and Grief-Filled) Time of the Year

By: Amy Lied I think it’s safe to say that the Christmas season is a favorite among a large number of people.  Christmas music is playing the day after Halloween. Social media is flooded with decorated trees only a few days after that.  Songs proclaim that it’s the “most wonderful time of the year”.  But…

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Dear Loss Mom: A Letter to My Younger Self

By: Keisha Wells Twelve years ago, I became a loss mom. I had no point of reference for the devastating blow of pregnancy and infant loss. I couldn’t process the arduous landscape ahead in navigating life without my precious sons, Kyle and Kendrick. My boys were born beautiful and perfect but 17 weeks too soon.…

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