Sweet Isaac Joseph

By Jodi Bauler Reprinted from Sharing, Volume 14 Issue 5  Like so many others who seek the comfort and support of Share, I too, have a story of loss and devastation.  A little over a year ago, my 38 1/2 week pregnancy ended with my 7lb, 5 ounce baby boy depending on ventilators and tubes…

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What Share Has Meant to Me

This was originally published in the Share Magazine in the Jan/Feb 2008 edition.  By Krista McInerney Mommy to Madison Elaine McInerney, Elliott, and Meah  When I lost my daughter in March of 2002, I had never watched anyone I know experience the loss of their baby, let alone known anyone who had ever lost a baby. Besides…

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Aaren’s Milk

This article was originally submitted for the Jan/Feb 2014 Share newsletter. Aaren’s Milk By: Kimberly Clausen On 1/12/13, I my son Aaren was born still at 38 weeks of pregnancy. It came as a complete shock as I had a healthy pregnancy and three other healthy children. I went in for a routine checkup, and…

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Catch 22

This article was originally published in the Jan/Feb 2014 issue of the Share newsletter. By Maggie Stockmann How many kids do you have? Is she your oldest? Such a simple question with such complicated answers. All that goes into deciding how to answer – Will I see this person again? Are we in public? Am…

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Honoring Your Parenthood

Honoring Your Parenthood By: Rose Carlson, Program Director, National Share Office I had my fourth miscarriage in April 1993; it rocked me to my core and brought me to my knees. That loss, more so than the previous three, left my heart completely shattered, and my hope, well, gone. Gone forever, I thought back then.…

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An Open Letter To The Spring

An Open Letter To The Spring By: Nora LaFata Oh. Hey spring. Unlike practically everyone in the universe, I’m not all that happy to see you. (gasp!) Don’t get me wrong, you’re kind of awesome. I mean I love all the flowers. And I actually prefer the rain. I was born in the spring for…

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Celebrating Through Grief

By: Ginny Limer Celebrations are lighthearted, joy-filled, carefree occasions where smiles are shining, the energy is booming, rooms are full of contented people gathered together, hugging and laughing…but your heart is heavy.  Your joy is gone.  Your cares are not free.  Your smile and energy have faded.  Hugs and laughter bring you to tears, because…

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The Morning After Mother’s Day

The Morning After Mother’s Day By: Jennifer Massoni Pardini The morning after Mother’s Day was harder than Mother’s Day itself . That’s a surprise. Maybe that’s because Mother’s Day itself was a Sunday. That means Ryan was home, and we took Ruby out for some tennis balls in the backyard, and we ate all three…

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To Each Her Own

By Sarah Bartels I had a conversation the other day with a co-worker who recently lost her Mom. She told me she was doing okay, and trying to get back into ‘real life’ just a few days after. I know that feeling, not from the loss of a parent, but after the loss of my…

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One Sweet Day

By: RaeAnne Fredrickson   One sweet day, I will close my eyes here for the last time, and open them there for the first.   Your sparkling eyes, your darling smile, your soft hair and skin – everything wonderful I’ve missed about you – will welcome me on that sweetest of days.   One again,…

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