This is another example of a post type. You can create News posts in the WordPress backend by checking the "News" category. This post gallery will automatically filter whichever category you choose, in this case, it filters the News category.

She is Still a Part of Our Family

By Patti Budnik | July 23, 2024

By: Marie Kriedman In the immediate days following the miscarriage of our daughter, my husband and I were in a minefield of grief.  We were in shock, still trying to understand how our life had taken such a turn, and we felt deeply overwhelmed. We needed a breather from caring for our children, so we stepped outside for a quick break.  The weather matched our mood.  The sky was black, and a storm was blowing in quickly.  And amazingly, unfathomably, there was one solitary pink cloud…

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new holiday traditions

By brown | December 1, 2020

New holiday traditions can create a way to honor and continue to love your baby.

Helping a loved one when the holidays Hurt

By brown | December 1, 2020

The death of a baby can change you forever. The grief experience changes daily and is amplified during the holidays.

Thanksgiving Onesies

By brown | November 23, 2020

By: Ann-Marie Ferry Brilliant sunbeams awaken my eyes. It is a beautiful May day and I have a mission. The night before I scoured the…

How To Show Up For A Grieving Mother

By brown | November 10, 2020

By: Autumn Purdy Gifts come in many forms and any kind offering can make a world of difference to a woman who has experienced pregnancy…

Thankful For The Unexpected

By brown | November 10, 2020

By: Kayla Leibner The holidays are a time that I find myself especially compelled to reflect on the things for which I am most thankful. …

Everyday Memories

By brown | November 2, 2020

By: Casey Zenner When you lose a child the way you do life completely changes. You begin searching for anything and everything you can that…

Like He Never Existed

By brown | October 26, 2020

By: Chrissy I don’t pay much attention to social media or celebrity news, but it was hard to avoid hearing  that Chrissy Teigen had lost…

Kindred Strangers

By brown | October 26, 2020

By: Ann-Marie Ferry I never saw it coming. Tear soaked face. Thrown together carry-on. Royal blue, malodorous, Grey’s Anatomy scrubs. I must have been a…

An Epic Journey To Motherhood

By brown | October 21, 2020

By: Autumn Purdy The first time I miscarried, I was at the tail end of my eleventh week of pregnancy and 900 miles from home.…

Forever Loved, Missed, and Carried Daily

By brown | October 19, 2020

By: Keisha Wells There are many keepsakes I have for my twin sons. Delicate and treasured items made and purchased for and in honor of…