By: Autumn Purdy I haven’t been pregnant for almost 11 years. My youngest son, who will turn 10 soon, begs for a newborn sibling at certain intervals, and I tell him repeatedly, “Someone has to be the baby of the family, and that special someone is you.” And I leave my response lighthearted, hugging him to me, offering a prayer of gratitude that I have a “baby of the family” to speak of, not ready to tell the whole truth. The story of what we endured…
Sweet Isaac Joseph
By Jodi Bauler Reprinted from Sharing, Volume 14 Issue 5 Like so many others who seek the comfort and support of Share, I too, have…
Relationships: Staying Connected With Loved Ones After a Loss
Newsletter Release! Please take a moment to read the latest Share newsletter on Relationships After a Loss. Feel free to share with anyone you feel…
How My Marriage Changed After My Miscarriage
This article was originally published in the July/August 2016 Sharing Magazine. By Dr. Jessica Zucker Our feet touched as my husband and I leaned against our linen…
What Share Has Meant to Me
This was originally published in the Share Magazine in the Jan/Feb 2008 edition. By Krista McInerney Mommy to Madison Elaine McInerney, Elliott, and Meah When I lost…
Aaren’s Milk
This article was originally submitted for the Jan/Feb 2014 Share newsletter. Aaren’s Milk By: Kimberly Clausen On 1/12/13, I my son Aaren was born still…
Choosing One Another
By: Justine Brooks Froelker Think back to your wedding day or the day you publicly declared you were choosing one another. What do you remember…
Memories for Mum & Dad
This article was originally posted in the Jan/Feb 2003 issue of the Share newsletter. Memories for Andrew Dedicated to Andrew Joseph born quiet due to…
Catch 22
This article was originally published in the Jan/Feb 2014 issue of the Share newsletter. By Maggie Stockmann How many kids do you have? Is she…
2016 Share Family Picnic
Will you be joining the National Share Office for our annual family picnic? Save the Date! Sunday, August 21, 2016 @ 1PM in St.…
Traveling With Memories
By: Meredith Byers, former Share Board Member Summer is beginning, and many families are making vacation plans – either to travel somewhere by car or…