A Father’s Loss

By: Matt Busekrus My wife Robyn has been writing on her blog at www.robynsnestofhope.com and for Sharing Magazine. I have been proud of her efforts and am glad she is using her writing as a platform to help others that have experienced loss. This month, for Sharing Magazine the topic is Father’s Day and Robyn…

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My Most Favorite Father

By: Amber Mangrum He made all the phone calls. He sent all the texts. Over and over, he repeated to family and friends, “Our girls are here.” We knew going into the hospital that it was not going to be sunshine and rainbows for us; our identical twin daughters were already gone. Giving birth was…

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April 2019 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost. This month we honor and remember the names listed below. In Memory Of: Juniper Bennett                                                              A day does not go by when I do not think of you. By:             Lara Kimberley Baby Chik                                                                       …

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Dear Grieving Mother,

By: Sabrina Ivy Dear Grieving Mother, First, let me tell you I am so sorry you carry this weight of baby loss. With Mother’s Day just around the corner I understand some of the thoughts that are taunting you. I have them, too. This day looks nothing like it should for us. Whether you held…

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What I Want For Mother’s Day

By:  Nora LaFata My first Mother’s Day was as it should be.  Breakfast in bed and fingerprint flowers.  All of my problems, diluted with brunch.  All of my children, alive. I’ve had exactly three Mother’s Days like this, and I will never have another. In late February 2014, my daughter died.  She died on a…

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When You’re Not Feeling Well on Mother’s Day

By: Brooke Taylor Duckworth In the months after my first daughter was unexpectedly stillborn, I began to get used to the weight of grief. I became familiar with that sense of stumbling around in a fog, the air around me feeling thick with my own unshed tears. I grew accustomed to the way my throat…

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True Colors: Celebrating on Mother’s Day

By: Robyn Busekrus As Mother’s Day approaches, we may be flooded with memories of our own mothers, longing to be a mother, the pain of losing a child and the joys of becoming a mom. These are just some ways we may connect to the concept on Mother’s Day.   For myself, the day is…

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To Ask For and Receive The Courage of No Quick Fixes

By: Justine Brooks Froelker I am a 39-year-old woman who doesn’t have kids, the most common question I get everywhere I go? “How many kids do you have?” Because I am a speaker of the unspoken, my response is always, “We tried really hard to have kids, lost three babies, and work hard to find…

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Dear Fertile Friend,

By: Kim Dames I know you had no issues getting pregnant. You decided one month it was time to start a family and the next month you received the positive pregnancy test. You had a normal and easy pregnancy. Delivery was even better. You bounced back easily and fit back into your clothes effortlessly. You…

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March 2019 Gifts: In Memory Of…

Each month, families and friends have the opportunity to donate to Share “In Memory Of” the baby or babies they have lost. This month we honor and remember the names listed below. In Memory Of: Arthur Bruenning                                                                              By:             Florissant Elks Ladies Club By:             Mike & Marjorie Buckels By:             Ramthun Family By:             David Fitzgerald By:             Patrick…

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