Speaking About Our Children

By: Codi N. October 15th is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Day but unless you are a part of this community you may never know this day exists; I know I didn’t before I lost my son last year. We live in a world where pregnancy and infants are idolized but once the unthinkable happens…

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Speak Your Truth

By: Justine Froelker I get one at least once a week. A message that reads something like:  “I know I have a story that can help people, but… How did you do it? You’re so brave.” I am not braver than you. My story isn’t easier or harder than yours. I am not more talented…

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Dare To Remember

By: Shannon Duke Why would you want to remember, Remember all the pain?  Are you sure you want to remember the heartache That took your dreams away? Do you really want to relive such a difficult season in life? For in that moment, time surely stopped and the world wasn’t right. But, you know that…

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October Has Never Been The Same

By: Robyn Busekrus It is difficult for me to look forward to October.  At one time, fall was my favorite season. The cooler weather, hoodies, cozy blankets, bonfires and pumpkins were some of aspects of fall I loved.  Now, October is bittersweet. I still have some enjoyment of the fall season, but it is hard…

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Why Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month is Important to Me

By: Crystal Webster Let’s be honest, national holidays are all over the map these days. There’s National American Cheese Month {October}, National Train your Dog Month {January}, and National Novel Writing Month {November}…just to name a few. There’s a national holiday for just about everything out there. I’m sure if I looked hard enough, I…

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When I Learned About Pregnancy And Infant Loss Awareness

By: Amy Lied Prior to 2016, I never knew that October was Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness month.  I never saw it on my social media.  I never knew anyone who lost a pregnancy and openly shared their experience.  But then in May of 2016, I had a missed miscarriage.   I had started my…

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We Are Worthy To Grieve: TFMR

By: Charlie’s Mom I ALWAYS dreamed of being a mom, and then it happened.  My beautiful baby girl Charlie, a dream come true.  This is how I begin my story, when I chose to tell it.  I don’t divulge my “secret” easily to just anyone.  Usually the only people I feel a little comfortable telling…

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I am uncomfortable with death. I wish I could be comfortable, but I am not.

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Finally Loving Audrey

By: Tracy Keinrath February 4, 2004 was the day that changed our lives forever. A routine ultrasound strongly indicated that our baby girl had Trisomy 18, a chromosomal disorder that is incompatible with life. An immediate amnio and five agonizing days of waiting brought confirmation of the doctor’s initial diagnosis and the end of life…

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When No Choice Is A Good Choice

By: Casey Zenner They say everything happens for a reason, and this is something I try really hard to believe. September 27th, 2017 would be the day that would leave me questioning that forever. Growing up I always dreamed of having a large family, lots of little ones running around, in my messy, never quiet…

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